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söndag 17 april 2011

My philosophy part 4

Get yourself an original name! To many people have the same name. Its like copies!

Make sure those in need get first before you satisfy your own ego. Take just enough and share the rest. Dont take more than you can eat and let others starv. Dont gather riches and keep them from the poor. Only by giving your best in every moment can you get the best from the Iniversal force. Only by serving the purpose you can feel the meaning. Be one with the evolving power by serving as its hands..

Anciency can be felt in the vibration, history blows in the winds, the secrets of the past is whispered in the treetops. Power is given to the virtous. The mysteries is the water to wash away misconception and doubt from your mind. Jah is your essence, know your divinity. Know yourselves! You are the stardust concious of the I-self..

Look at the trees and learn how to multiply the one to many..Look at the stones and learn to be solid and firm and hide the inner crystals..Look at the planetary bodies and learn to keep your course straight and shine up the darkness like a star..

Meditation is achieved after the restless mind has settled all its involvement and problems. When the mind get rest it goes through the current thoughts one by one until it feels momentarily satisfied. We musnt shut down everything and sit and search the divine, we must still our thoughts by working out the problems and clear out our lifes from negative action and then unitive conciousness can arise again..

The ego will die with this body that why there is no gain in satisfying the ego. Every species have an ego that run them. I would suggest that we practise non-attachement to material things, knowing they will pass away. Nothing visible is eternal, it will all be lost on our journey..

The secret of love is that its only by giving love you can feel good and connect spiritually. When you love that feeling fills you, it flows through your spirit. When you impatiently crave to be loved you feel constant unsatisfaction. Let your body be a tool for positive energies by searching the right mood of meditation..

Just because your personalities looks through the same eyes doesnt mean that you are one. They are just windows to a facetted soul. Disorder with the spiritworld can cause mental illness. Confusion in an unknown area. When the prisma of the I gets weak and unbalanced channels get penetrateble for lower entitys and currents.

After you have trancended the full spectra of human spiritual develpoment you take a huge step in the evolution and become something much greater. H.I.M said "we must become members of a new race, something bigger that we are illprepared to become" implying the greatness of the next stage.

Just like we have passed through billions of incarnations to become human. The amoeba on the seabottom dont realize that one day he will see the surface, much less travel to other planets. We dont realize whats a head of us, its unphatomable for the human mind. We can only sense it through vibrating feelings and inner sensations giving us a hinch of the future.

Transform yourselves as much as possible all the time but keep the good qualitys you create along the way. The flow of life is transforming constantly. You are to be one with that, always in the process of changing to the better and standing on the higher ground you have reached.

Why the mind feels the same way through time? the mind is linked to the eternal self that always feel young, the body is a disposable item. The human journey is a one way ticket ride. When your time is passed then it is gone. The experiance is carved in your Iternal soul forever..

Like a flower crack out of the shell of the seed and shoot up against the sky so shall those who live an upful life with a real meditation and positive spirit rise in the garden of the almighty. Love and supreme bliss awaits in the true light..

The higher intelligence the less pieces of the puzzle is needed to see the big picture. the higher awareness the lesser the risk for important hings to go unoticed, the higher conciousness the more the spiritual love fiyah blaze in the temple of Jah...

In the economical slavery we are all enemies..In reality we are family that need to work together..

The sun dont stop from shining, the waters dont stop from flowing, the trees dont stop from growing, so does the self never stop emanating Jah glory..

What differs me from many others is that I have the capacity to see how stupid I really am. I laugh at myself. Who is the observer? I see others they dont know how smart they are thinking they are average. Everything is relative and obviously we need eachother to have the optimal conciousness..

The effort you put in is what you get out, the emotion you send out is what you attract, the atmosphere around you are your magic energyfield that you use to create your life and its content. Your action is your seeds to blossom on the big wheel. Refrain from anything that feel alien for your soul, follow that loving voice in your mind because that is your guardian angel leading you away from harm..

Selassie I is the Avatar..blessed be H.I.M

How we handle disapointment is all about our expectations. Loss and grieve is a natural part of this experience...

Memory about your life exist only in the flesh. If your brain would get injured you forget everything. That is the Ego. You are the Iyah Iternal I that dwell in this abode for a while performing your miracles of selfelevation...

Remeber to plant flowers evertywhere for the bumblebees, bees and butterflies. They are the pollinators of Iration. Without them no fine vegetation. Buy extra seeds and plant alot. Not by the roadsides but in fields, backyards and around lakes. Time for guerillawarfare against pollution and the murderation of mother earth. Act now or be sorry later. There is till time..

Take time to call a relative or a friend and ask how they are if there is something you can help them with. Show people that you care. The isolation is destroying us. This society is a big lie. They promote a fake lifestyle and we have to be smart enough to see this and counteract by promoting solidarity outside of the system.

Love is stronger than hate. Order is stronger than chaos. Light is stronger than dark. Dont let them fool ya. They have no real power, just material. Real power belong to the righteous spirits..

You cant become better then you believe that you are so believe in yourself. You cant reach higher than your dreams so keep them alive. You cant be anyone besides yourself so work on yourself. You cant feel more love than you give so love.

Hell is the absence of Jah in man Irits. The kingdom of Jah is within the righteous...

The ether is alive! When I was small I noticed that when I ask something with sencerity it always appered from nowhere. The ancient Tibetan schamans used to pray without a specific target. Jah made the world that way so we can rule our owen reality and destiny. But the devil he couldnt handle this responsibility and used it to take control and manipulate..

To know the teachings of H.I.M you have to study what him say and stand for. Its not simple as some believe..H.I.M words are deeper than the galaxy for those who overs the fullness. They are hidden in ordinary speeches held at banquets and different political forum. It takes a study of philosophies from all around the world to recognize.

Misunderstanding comes from lazyness, egotripping or misinformation. If your head is to high up in the sky you dash your feet, if your feet is to hard on the ground you never see the sky. Be attentive with a positive critical thinking..

Knowledge is a feather that everybody have to blow upwards together to make it fly. It dont work if someone take the feather with his hand and push it down to the ground. When you critisize you must do it delicatly by in a humble manner presenting evidence that shows the opposite. Otherwise we will always be like animals. Always quarreling, always fighting and always hating and never going forward...

To many times we say no to what life has to offer us..
This is the dreaded last age. An age of evil and confusion. Many turn cold, heartless and ignorant but you cant hate them. You cant hate the leaves for falling off the tree in the autumn...

When you hate you hurt your body and mind and create negative patterns. Haters is losers...

Having the power and deal with your inferior with honesty and respect is nobility, to have power and abuse your inferior phychologically and physically is low evil behavior..

Why did superior peoples lose the world power? The higher spiritual enlightment the less need for worldly power. When the ego dissolvement is complete, only humbleness remain. Thats when the lesser peoples take control with their egoconciousness and violence..

Every person die when their time has come no matter what. Not earlier, not later. Thats why its not necesarry to fear. No one can escape physical death but you can choose quality of your life..

To get immortality you have to reach Zion in this lifetime..That is when the Irit is ablaze with Jah glory attained by virtue and selfimprovemant..When the righteous die they will see a light coming to get them.. When the wicked dies its just blackout forever...

The devil is always in disquise! He change form at will! Anyone could be the tool of the devil!! Beware of the evil souls around you..

Dem a sick inna dem rotten souls! They will reap the harvest of destruction..

Stand firm in this judgemant! Jah fiyah cut and clear all obstacles from I n I path. Survival is the game. Jah see and know the righteous, but he despise the wicked..

Parasites, vampires, scavengers, demons, devils, liers, evil souls, manipulators, oppressors, sodomites. Sending flames your way..Burn to ashes, vaporize to dust...

Tomorrow will never be the same. Enjoy things while they are present. Nothing is guaranted in this everchanging world. We have to give thanks for the moments that means most to us and see that we have shared the miracles of Iration.

Pain is just experience, loss is woven into everyones lifestory, dont be a fraid to live beacuse of that. We have to take our chances and do our best each time anyway..

If you wonder what it takes to live a real life look at Selassie I. He show how much courage and strength it takes. H.I.M defeated Li yasu to become Negus, he was on the frontline against the wickedest army ever come to Africa. He lost many close ones and was wictim of a coupe by his own. Yet H.I.M triumph over all of that. What an example to follow..

Jah powers is pushing up like lava, the volcano is trembling, fiyah burning, love breaks the barriers, no mercy for the mercyless..A just reality and oneness Iyah deal with. Them lost in their illusion, them lost in their fantasy...

Spiritual divinity is a concept far from the usual standards and needs. When your soul is naked, free from ego impulse you are trusted with higher authority in the soul realm

I see the evil face of the devil staring at me with dark empty eyes. I feel the diabolic powers trying to torture me. Desperatly trying to kill the holy man because they know their time is short. I n I are a chosen people. Darkness dissolve in light, dont come near less you want to perish..Vampire

The enemy of Jah is disguised in Dreadlocks to melt in. You shall know someone by their deeds. What them do shows who they are. Cant fool I vision. Jah know and see all things. Your agenda will fail. Your goal cant be accomplished.

So far from real love pretending to spread love!! Watch it fi the false prophet inna this ya time. Empty words! Only the fools buy it..

Its a bizarre gesture to give the prisoner a last meal before execution. Yet thats the mentality of many these days. Empty deeds, empty word, empty souls..

We are here in this world to learn to love. We are here to find the greatest love of all. Not material love, not egotistic love, not selfish love. We are here to find divine love...

Works that has no mutual benefits is work in vain. Man must put ego aside and work for the common best of the human race. To long have the illusion of separation ruled the thoughts of humanity. Listen to Selassie or fade away...

Dont bring me no book, dont bring me no ideology, dont bring me no headache. Just give ne simple pure life, dignified human values, higher principles and love..