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lördag 7 maj 2011

My philosophy part 5

As the flowers growing in the garden, so materializes your thoughts. What you send out comes back to you. Be careful about what you want to accomplish. Love shuns you as the fire if you want to hurt. 

The most unfortunate people are black magicians. Black magic is the easiest to perform and the easiest to counter and it costs most for the person doing it. They live in their own hells haunted by evil spirits

I see confused people frenzy around desperately in search of love. Wherever they come they live as refugees. Always hungry, always thirsty, never satisfied. But true love is what they ran from all the time. Most of them is driven by fear..

There are two types of people. Recievers and creators. The first always looking to get things easy for free, the other one creates the network called life by being the foundation.

Negative people are actively working on pulling others down to their level. It is because they can not bear to see others shine and feel good. Positive people who find themselves in a negative phase of life is always struggling to get up again without disturbing others ..

When we do others disappointed to make our self happy, we are on the ego's way. When we stand disappoinment to make others happy, we are on Jahs road ..

Happiness is not worth anything if someone else still suffering for that. Too many people do meaningless acts and call it success. Too many silly around and call it true joy. Volatility and superficiality characterizes the empty souls. True happiness comes when you are one with life's meaning.

Like the tree stand by it self in the fields, the winds caress me, the sun warms me and the living spirit of creation is my company. I am never alone. Jah is with me.

To oppress humble people is the easiest thing to do! Dont feel big and bad because of that. Tuff people are them who stand up and fight for the weak..

Just because you know about something doesnt mean that you are that. Just because you know how things work doesnt mean that you make it work. I see people with their whole head full of knowledge destroying the earth. Intelligence can operate evil to. Anyone could learn stuff but not anyone have a natural calling to be a fine person..

I dont care what them think. Me no business with that. The powers of I kingdom is perfectly clear. If you care for what others think about you you are always restricted. If you care what you think of others you will get refined.

The evil rule for a little time only.. soon Jah people will rise and burn out all enemies. With Irational currency, murderous frequency, electromagnetic power and the justice of the almighty. Like Moses fought the sorcerers of the corrupted Pharao. Iyah I:s have to synchronize and conquer the contemporary corrupted elites..

Like the morning dew on the grass so is jah love always fresh. Every heartbeat is a salute to the emperor. Every concious step take you closer to the Iternal. Let this day be filled with grace and mercy.

Remember to help the misfortuned. Help them to help themselves. So the sun can shine on everyone.

Even bacteria produce magnetic backbones, which compass guide them to swim around the place. The human race have divine power wich enables them to control the space around them, most of them dont know.

The form you have is your incarnation. Make pride of that page in history. Its a divine manifestation of your
soul. This is your steppingstone to Jah. Every error made is obstacles on the path. Learn quick and move on..

We are heading to the ultimate. We are heading to the unthinkable. We are heading to the Iternal pastures of Jah kingdom. This ancient journey out of nothingness to everlasting life is the magic, this journey out of darkness into the light is the selfempowerment of the cosmic intelligence, we are seeds of the Irator. One and the same in I n I self....

The fish dont see the people on the surface that is catching them. Regular people dont see the manipulators that is hoovering above the human pool. We are being breed, cultivated as slaves to their system. They own your ass. If you break any of their rules they lock you down in prison. Tyranny and covert dictatorship. They control and monitor your life..

Just a cool observer exchanging views, no hotheaded propagandistic opinion former. Irie and satta, no problems, one I vision...

Stand firm no matter what comes! No matter what them do to you. Dont let no one get you down. Have to be a warrior to pull thru.

Believe in your self and all things are possible. Love your self and trust your vision and feeling. Be courageous when all seems lost and you will gain the most. Follow thru even if its hard and you will get a reward..

In the days of our youth we crash forward like a hungry lion. No care for nothing, no realize that its your life moving by. When you pass the treshold of aging you will see and remember them with great emotion. Fill your days with joy and beuty to Irate the pattern of your future elevation into Iyah Ites..

Any project must be taken over the finishline. Our own disorder is a reflection of the situation in the world. To much unfinished business makes everything confused allover. The soulution must start at some end..

I see all as they are! "including, myself, unfortunately. Usually pretty painful insights. But the ego is annihilated right here so the suffering is not too unbearable.

I hate no one, is not hostile to anyone, just criticizing the system and today's way of life. Something that is unpopular with those living on the misery ..

The simplest thing could have the most complicated meaning. the most complicated thing could have a simplest meaning. All about angles. Stay flexible dont get stigmatised.

Destiny is a transformable thing. It´s something you create to be a part of. Play your cards well cause the chances are few and treasures are easier to lose than to find. Do only stuff that you want to bring into the future..

To be a humble visionary is not easy because then you know whats best but have no impulse to enforce it upon others. To many needs a strong leader wether him smart or not.

Dont put persons with lower intelligence on higher posts in decision making, dont let immature persons with no empathy get any key positions. That will cause unnecesary confusion and mash up any project.

To care is one mindset and to not care is another leading to two very different behaviour, opinion and view. If you dont care you never take time to sit and learn something outside your basic ego conciousness. If you care you feel love and inspiration always, sometimes sorrow to but thats a part of the human experience.

Honesty is not a part of the structure inna this ya time. Loyalty to the cause is overuled by personal powerhunger. If we could place the right minds in the right positions and still share everthing equally like brothers and sisters everyone would be happy! Aint it?

Keep expressing your selfs! Dont bow or restrict to the demands of a backwards community and their expectations on how you are supposed to think and act. This is the time of your lifes. You are a small child with a big soul in Jah garden of holiness. You live the enigma and behold the truth unfold gradually. This is your birthright! Feel big but stay Irie..

I have been to the promised land seen the riches and lived to tell my people, I know Jah kingdom, its real. It is not a country, its a divine dwelling in the soul. Anyone that lives there shall never die or suffer. Whoever is found worthy will recieve powers to conquer the evil. Chosen to see the light and spread it like wildfiyah..

Them try to mystify the clear truth about life. Religions, legends and stories are metaphorical with allegories to show the initiated and to conseal it from the followers. We dont need that. We need a universal system of belief that is based upon reality with openess, simplicity and sincerity.

This age of darkness have been the most dualistic one ever. To the extent that its everyone fi them self against everyone else now. Many dear familymembers and friends have changed drastically. Polarities have shadowed the conciousness of mankind. We have become our own greatest enemies. If the great cycle na go thru we finished soon man..

We are limited creatures in a unlimited reality. Push your limits, expand your boundaries, blow the roof top, break free, exceed your selves..

Apartments are build like square boxes with less than 3 m high roof. That is to lock you down in a low energy. Our aura and outgoing energies cant resonate properly, they get cut off by the unatural shapes. Another smart solution by the the devils architects in the warfare against human divine conciousness..

All have been said billions of times, all can be said in billions of more different ways. That is the beuty of words, letters and communication. It just keep flowing. But when will we act. when will we learn from our own thoughts and put them into reality. One day we wont need words any longer. We will look into eachothers eyes and know..

Love is not something that comes and goes or hit you like a lightningbolt in your head. It stays with you always. Love is something we create by will and bring forth out of the depths of the soul. Love is something we give. The polar energies of man and woman always attract eachother like magnets. Thats called attraction. Love is bigger than man and woman. Its a Iniversal principle..

Dont ever think that the devil is fantasy. Look around around you! This nightmare situation is not the works of the perfect one. Evil are behind it all.

We love our identity but thats a picture the ego is projecting. Identity will die with the ego at physical destruction. You are the silent Iternal spirit that moves on to higher levels. Furthermore our identity is a mask to cover our real nature. We send out a picture how we want the world to see us. We all go thru a battle beteween good and evil inside. We must tame our bad sides and cultivate our good qualitys.

If the world give you to much problem and sorrows just let go! Let go of your story, your cravings and lusts, misfortunes and mistakes, anger and fear and leave that by the wayside. Walk on free and live in love. Leave everything get something new. Drop your burden and recieve peace. But be careful not to fail anyone in need of you.

Break the shell, reach out to your people. Talk to eachother, be a part of eachothers lifes. Like kids. Thats whats used to make it beutyful.

When you seek Jah righteousness you are walking path of self realization and spiritual empowerment. You will find treasures along the way. Things you never dreamed was possible. To correct one self is to grow. Only by transforming your self can you make progress on this path. No prayers. beliefs, stimula, ritual or soundfrequency could help you..

Only by improving our selves can we be found worthy by the hidden powers. Remember who you were before the illusion formed your ego. Walk the alley of memories and search for the right feeling..

Direct action open Jah zion gates, no lipservice..

Some people commit suicide, some kill others, some decieve others, some cheat, some leave you out, some trample others, some climb on others. What they have in common is that they dont believe in changing the situation by changing them selves. They use, abuse and blame others for everything.

When someone believe in you it makes you stronger. When someone have trust in you it makes you stronger. Believe in your self and show others appreciation for their efforts. Spread the positive vibes like a ever beating heart, pulsing harmoni and strength to all. We cant afford to get weaker unless we want the hyenas to devour us.

Once more has the miracle happened. We woke up this morning , opened our eyes and beheld the light. We travelled out of the dreamland into the material reality. We manifested a wakening out of the spirit world, our structure was once filled with eneregy and rised. We must be happy to have a form to express our love and gratitude in this vast space..

Life is a tuff process. We cant be to intolerant or judge to quickly. Humbleness, non-violence and love are the greatest..

When i was weak them took advantage of me, when I was humble they scorned me, when I was strong they avoided me, when I was reaching for the top them tried to pull me down to the bottom. when I had something they came, when I had nothing they didnt come. When I needed them they were never there, and when i didnt need them they were all around. Humanity is not easy you know..

Iration is the ultimate challenge. No matter what level you incarnate on. You have to rise over the circumstances.

We are the copies that sprinkled in the wind as dandelion seeds. Exhaled by life's energy to grow. Streams of
faces pass by excited to meet their fate. Each one is filled with expectations, others are on their way out, they have completed their round. It is a tough race track, it costs a price. The winners are the riders of eternity

What a perfect Iration we was given..Seek the mysteries of the nature. Molecules, substances and oils in perfect balance. For health and well being..this is a magic place. Jah garden of purification and healing. Anything can be cured with the right knowledge about plants.. 

The factory of life work effectively upon the further development of the universe. multifaceted awareness simultaneously ongoing in common development. We pulsates like a big heart, like the breath. all beings have a soul. A ball of light. That light will grow on our journey ..

All natural structures are functional. All materia are built around function. All organs and bodyparts are just exactly what you need. Slim creations constructed by the masterbuilder. Its we that see the outer shapes of biological machinery as forms. The illusion is there to give joy to our eyes..
Dont seek enlightenment. Seek righteousness! A tree needs roots to lift the crown. Otherwise it crack. Everything comes in due time