The single pointed mind gets meditation. A shattered mind brings confusion. Focusing on one thing without disturbance make you see the truth, focusing on many things you see but illusion. Go straight at the target, dont get distracted by the caleidoscope of thoughts.
To know our true essence, the highest frequency we need to clear up the mess around the core. When we focus on one thing something happens. We fall inna trance. When we focus on all impression flashing by we get stressed emotionally. As long as you get your attention flowing one way. You could do handcraft, arts, sports, think about the one you love, ot whatever you float on. and you will notice... or Yogic techniques like focus on breathing
Start your meditation practise by sitting 30 min everyday and go thru disturbning emotions. Ravel in it. Drag yourself thru the most painful experiences until they lose power over your mind. Make peace with your self. Then when your mind is purified you are ready to explore the depths of your self without psychological blocking.
Listen to the elders. You should respect them cause they know things that you will encounter later during your life. Though humble and quiet they have the cognizance. Youths to many times think they are smarter than old ppl and overrun them. Thats a big mistake..
Old ppl know all the tricks and expected outcomes in different situation. They now psychology and analysis. They know how to behave them selves. Most of them. A few failed humans might still live in total confusion when the get older. In the western culturei ts something bad to become old. People try to look like 20 until they are 50 instead of aging with the grace of fully blown wisdom. In all ancient cultures the elders are highly respected. As a youth growing up in this shitstem you get swellheaded, and think old ppl are idiots and dont know what they talking about.
Yeah everything change but the fundament is the same. Every generation have a little different situation but its all basically the same human hopes, values and interests.. The biggest changes is in out heads, in our present illusion.
When you feel something strong thats a frequency wave emanating from your soul after thought and reconing tease different emotions, or it could be caused by guiding spirits to tell you something important. When a spirit shows its presence you feel waves of shiverings run down your back from the head. Love is their language. You might see pictures in your mind or see things synced with a thought.
One ray of Jah light and you will search that forever. One glimpse into the Iyah regions and the world is only misery except for those wonderful things that still work according to the Irators plan. The ambrosia is the sweetest intoxication ever. All drugs fail, all vizualisation fail, all meditation fail. This is just pure fantastic magic from the divine, manifesting naturally in you. Even sinners get to taste it. But only them who continue thru all the steps will ascend into that for real. Its a long journey with much work and little rest. Many dark passages on the way to the light, much suffering on the way to everlasting joy.
Nations, armys, governments, royalties, systems are just a part of the big game the evil rulers play. Like a game of chess. Every now and then they have a world war like olympics in world power. The winners of those wars rule the world and the loosers get to be second most prosperus nations in the world. WW2 winners. America and England, second best Germany and Japan. In the world economy after the war they are all top ten richest nations.
If you dont learn from history youre bound to repeat the same mistakes. No nationalist racist civilization have ever made it so far, they all fell thru the ages.Their ruins signifies mans grand failures.
Thoughts and activity shape the structure of your brain. The more advanced use the more the brain grow nervs and cells to meet that demand. Wich is a fantastic thing. But the schoolsystem actually shrink the brains function since we arnt allowed to think freely and search our own point of geniouis where we can push forward individually. Its like legal lobotomy..
Be proud of your uniqeness. You are the original. The one and only. Risen here by your own prerogative. Heading towards the infinite like a burning star. Those in the illusion all wants to look the same. They all have the same false planted dreams revolving the given way. Step out of that!. Dare to be yourself. You are the flowers in Jah garden. All colours and shapes.
The critics are not the worst. Its the lack of support from your friends.
This abuse is very vicious and devious. Them violate our most precious chances in life, our personal dharma. They are forming us to slaves repeating what they want us to say and believe or know. With the amount of brain power they find aproprate..
Get out of the mind prison. Cant hate your self for not fitting the norm of others.
Children are geniouses without any manners. Teach dem the right way to live dont tell dem how to think and believe. They´ll figure out everything soon enough
Freedom can never come out of racial discrimination, freedom can never come thru war, freedom can never come from ethnical clensing, freedom can never come from hate. Freedom can only come from unity, love and overstanding!!!
I know the creation story of the secret socities. Its so simple it make me laugh. Darwinism pretty much with racial doctrines and biological evolutionary history. Dem believe in so called rootraces. That every race is a new superior race. Thats why slavery was accepted in their societies. We Europeans are the fourth race and the Americans the fifth.
The Masons built America. Thats why they call it the land if the free! The land of the The freemasons..
To discover new things in your self and in the world is a great feeling, a tingelin warm sensation. To learn is to grow..
When you find out then you will know. When you know you can chose how to relate to that. It give more personal freedom. The worst thing are prefabricated formulas how to react to everything without knowing what its about. That is the mind prison, voluntary behind invisble bars, blindfolded and curtailed..
Everyone comes to a point in their lives when you do not want to go back because of others anymore. Or maybe age do so you cant stand the time waisting, or experience make you find debates over matter with obvious answers annoying..
We must be proactive and show foresight. When problems come upon us, it is usually too late. Stumble not with your foot and and continue to look at horizon. Preventive action is better than hindsight. If we let problems pile up, we are paving the way for catastrophe. Every action must be characterized by an understanding awareness of consequences.
Superiority comes from humbleness and Iyah vision. Overviewing things objectivly. Always get the bigger picture. To reach the mountaintops of staggering heights and introspective panorama, share knowledge like breaking bread. Not by boasting oneself with the knowledge accumalated so far. Its not by stepping on another you reach higher but by defeating your own weakness, selfishness and lazyness..
Let go of religion now and keep the good principles. No god will help you unless you make your self to an angel. Let go of slackness and seek morality. The way to Zion is narrow...Seek reality, seek normality, step out of fantasy hear the gospel of JAH RASTAFARI SELASSIE I THE FIRST
perfection is universal
Religion was created for the wellfare of mankind but was manipulated, converted and distorted to serve the ruthless powerhunger of evil humans. No matter what we a call the destination its the same way for all..Selassie teach that spiritual and material must be in balance,,thats why I n I are not to much in to organized introspective meditations searching the "being". Works in the world, selfimprovement morally and principally is buildingstones of true spirituality. We must be one with the purpose of life, with the moving streams of natural energy in our actions. Not only to be aware. Even the straw of grass is full of " being". We dont have to think about that. The most important thing is what you do in reality. The enlightenment process is personal and happens to everyone.The idea that any behaviour leads to enlightment is an big lie. Anyone just "are"!! but to step the ladder of ascension takes more than being how ever you want..Them who fail themselves can never taste the divine nectar. Them who unworthy and unmorally never appeal to the spiritworld for recieving power. Being in the presence is just the foundation not the final answer. There is nothing that stops you from being. Never shall one uncontrolled wicked mind ever get to know the divine. No matter how much anyone says that.Burn the decadense and carelessness..We dont need to sit and dream in a fantasyworld and just"be". dont try to explain what needs to be done with thoughts on how it should be. Everything must start somewhere at some point in order to get to the next step. Nothing comes finished and ready..Life is not only abot being..its about spiritual evolution
.The wind must blow somewhere, the water must run somewhere, Same way must human spirituality flow with the nature. Not cut off in city enviroment searching their own little paradise. We are the gardeners of this world..made to interact with nature by helping and enhancing the functionality and beuty Here to evolve and work with mother earth and her agenda in the universe..
I am against supersticion and prejudice in the human collective to conform to a religous sytem..
Dont force the spirit to follow your minds intepretation of God, let God fill your spirit. Religion is only there to find the power of God then you take off and fly on your own into the heights of Gods kingdom..
Look around you and behold the armagedion. The last age of the great equinox. The endtimes, the last days of the prophecy. Total confusion allover. and inside the minds the illusion is greater than ever so we refuse to see. Woe unto Babylon. The smoke of your meltdown ago cover the earth. The peoples that has bowed to you shall weap..
The darkness shall be thick on the day of judgemant..
To much paradox in the world. To many say one thing and do another. To much hipocracy and double standard. To many wolf in cheaps clothing. To much games. To much talk of peace and to many acts of war. To many plastic smiles covering evil faces. The devil is pleased..
We cant be naive in our faith. Apply your full capacity and intelligence mixed with courage in it. You will need that in time to come. This serious trod takes a serious meditation. Start feel, start activate the energies, move with the spirit. Flow as intended towards the ultimate.
Our deepest desires are pure. Its just to feed the right ones. Use the righteous burning desires as energyresources. Avoid the wrong desires that stem from a sick dark age in the human society. The ego is always full of disatisfaction. Giving you less feeling of comfort everytime you satisfy it. Our essence are pure. Our spirit are true. Find your happiness in her...
Eat right.Raw organic preferbly homegrown and spring water..You will see the light.It affect your cells and DNA, RNA. Your instuments of energy transmitting and recieving..that enables you connect with the universal energyfield and raising your frequency..The secret alchemy of the Italist..
The sun is golden across the fields. Each leaf dancing in the light morning breeze. The air smells so clean. I walk on gravel roads lined with vegetation. The beauty makes me love life more..
Town could be nice to if it where built on biological, ecologigal guidelines. Not like the poisonous cancerous filthy enviroment created by demands of economic boost and industrial growth by the declined depraved Babylonians we see today..Its all about administration I guess
Have faith in the victory in good over evil. Internally and externally. Just as its seems the most impossible youre probably closer than ever. The last distance is always the tuffest emotionally. Keep up the pace. No time to lose. Defeat your self and change the world. Vigilance is needed on all levels. The more noble principles must be the superior ones..
Individual success and the common works should never be opposites. Too often in this period of time they are all of competing against each other. It is only by joint efforts we can be allowed to grow as human beings. Dont matter how alone we are on our successes remember they are based on a collective backbone. But community must not hinder personal development and triumphant success ..
Jah kingdom is real. Its bloody and tuff if you go backwards. But always hold the greatest promises and the most wonderful chances of reaching beyond your dreams.
Physical reality is necessary for conciousness to elevate it self. But it never attach. The ego make the world real and important for the creatures. I think conciousness is kind of tired on the humans..the slowness might cut us off the evolution. If we dont play our roll and fulfill our obligations then we couldl be considered as enemies of life and be brought to our demise by natures selection..
multi-prophetical conciousness expressing the truth trhough dreams and visions on ones and ones..dont be late to testify what youre seeing. it could give us the clues we need..
Evil consists of a number of nasty energies of destruction tha want to tear down, decline and ultimatly extuingish life it self. Good consists of actions of love, caring and creational energy that want to build up life and create more life..
Yesterday the air was striped by chemtrails in a network as far as the eye could see today thick clouds allover..when the the clouds cracked up a little bit I saw more trails,,Time to stop this beast, time to refuse and say no..They piss us in the face and were just taking it..Time to smart up and take necesary action..Trust Jah promise
I think its time to connect spirit and materia, aim and direction, reality and fantasy. Make the dream come true. I am a 100% sure that we could have the greatest vibration and progress in one unity allover..
The first step towards a unitive conciousness is to eat healthy. Preferably raw vegan diet. Cut out sugar, flour and dairyproducts and alcohole, cigarettes and other harmful chemicals..Try to sort out any personal business that hold...s you down mentally and find out what makes you stronger. Search for the right feeling. Walk with the spirit. When you walk dont go after the clock but go so you feel that you are one with your self in harmony..
Stay pure and the power of the almighty shall be with you like a burning fire..
False spirituality is to only care for your self and your experience. To many smiling faces in a fucked up human society. I see your confused selfimportant meditation and it stinks when children are starving, sickness kills, ppl are dying in war and the earth is polluted and devastated. True spirituality is to care for everyone and the common experience.
One by one reach enlightment and ascend. Thats a fact! Its just a natural order. But it doesnt mean that we are supposed to serach it one by one by ourselfs. That doctrine comes from moneyhungry Indian gurus that wants to use western seekers.
Follow Selassie I all the way to the true spiritual upliftmant of all humanity. Watch the hippocritical. Dont judge them, it´s up to everyone how they chose to perform their spirituality. Their personal endevours are lost in the misfortunes of the collective karma..and more time their meditation is just an escape from reality considering the circumstances..I think its time to connect spirit and materia, aim and direction, reality and fantasy. Make the dream come true. I am a 100% sure that we could have the greatest vibration and progress in one unity allover..
The human society shows you something ! Spirit is disconnected in most cases. Evil and darkness rules, things are definatly not working properly.. Porno, violence, crap food, etc is normal. The brightest dreams aspirations or prescense of a few cant give you a true picture of the tribulations and nightmarelike situation that afflict many worldwide today. Yet it might show you the possibilities for an enlightened humanity..
Physical reality is necessary for conciousness to elevate it self. But it never attach. The ego make the world real and important for the creatures. I think conciousness is kind of tired on the humans..the slowness might cut os off the evolution. If we dont play our roll and fulfill our obligations then we will be considered as enemies of life and be brought to our demise..Not one good seed shall ever go to waist though as new times will emerge where good souls could resurrect..
The obligations for a race is quite simple. Serve as an instrument for further development of life by providing an effective, intellegent behaviour to the machinery of creations. The human nature that serves the true purpose decides whats good or... bad. Everone have a picture of the truth making up billions of inteacting truths. But truth can only be one. The one vibration behind it all thats the real truth. It represents trillions of realitys. Everybody is not going to the same. In the end we split up individually and become creators of our own universes. So i guess truth is evolving to..
The force reveal itself in full splendour to set you straight about the meaning of life and give you direction. Usually happens around 28 years of age..Then we pass thru a stage called " the crucifiction" or " the dark night of the soul" wich is a form of anticlimax. From this stage we dont get any more help. We construct our own conciousness from out of the emptiness after this point. You can never lose what you have already begotten but it can rest until you raise that frequency again by wich it respond immidiatly..Being drained by negativity thats a normal part of the journey. Try to keep the negative ones far as much as possible..
Enlightenment is something that happens naturally. Like the tree grow thru different stages so do we. Everythings irie. No need to sress about that. Just do your duty in the human society to uphold the quality of life. Organic and spiritual. Fight pollution, greed and stupidity. And keep yourself in dignity and clensiness.
Maybe rasta is to radical in this time? PPl just want to float above it all get all for free nowadays.They are fast to grasp eastern spiritual concepts without realizing what moral grounds they were constructed on. When they are young its easy to go to fast into things and get an negative overspin leading the seeker to an unrealistic worldview. Getting a to big picture of their own importance. Making them step on ppls toes unwillingly. Their positiveness can be harmful for others..
Them touch the surface slightly and go tell all the others--instead of searching the depths and become that..In India I meet alot of westerners that suddenly take off their jacket and tie, leave their well paid office for a couple of months and want to be more spiritual than the babas. Things no work that way..and there is others that is really serious. We have an Ayur veda doctor in Sweden that studied 10 years in India but such cases are rare. Bottomline..listen to authentic taechers and most important give your self time to grow into what you want to become..good luck and peace to all positive ones in this Iration..
In the Himalays one woman got angry with a begging baba. I told her that we are the river Ganges of money. Thats what our society has to contribute in this ancient country..
They are trying to standardize human beings. A task that is bound to fail. The esthete enjoying the beautiful golden ratio and Yin and Yang proportions in balance, the unrealistic mind enjoying the irregular abstract. The ritualist is obsessed with fixed patterns. The mystic is immersed in the contact with the inner fire and observe the soul power. The thinker is always circulating subjects expanding their knowing about matters. The adventurer likes the unexpected. We all are different, we dont have to understand eachother. We have to respect the differencies and see that its a part of a true dynamic humanity..
No goal is to lofty to dream about, and no humiliation is so low it could be avoided by any creature in this warzone of evolution. The central position of your mind attracts what it desires. You pull the strings. Our power is not tremendously quick but it is a governing principle in material creation. We cant just snap our fingers and expect result. Its a jungle of currencies making the network. You must want something on a subconcious level and have patience to get it. So instead of trying to put in the dreams you think you should pursue in your emotional apparatus, follow the ones that move your spirit..
I'm studying the play, well aware of my role. that's what it means to be human. We see and understand the entire clock work. Nevertheless, we suffer with the unconscious animals. there is no freedom to find except in the soul shine. Matter perish while time passes. build your nest in the palace of eternity. realizing your true self, find your true identity
The wisdom we see is the wisdom we have..
To be egodriven is good if you let it benefit others to. Awareness of your own egotoism can give you distance to objectively study your own emotional patterns and use your feelings to streamline your will and desire. Know your self. We need a big heart and lots of patience to await those precious moments of victory. You are the mystic garden where all dreams can come true.
The Ego spur us to get things, to make things, to want things. That quality is devastating for uncontrolled persons while it could work as as a generator for the concious, When we reach the self we dont have any impulse to do or become anything more in the material world..You become like the wind..formless
Laziness locks the mind into small thinking. Things are increasingly becoming more impossible. Even the smallest thing is an infinitely insurmountable obstacle. They always choose the easy quick options even if they harm themselves or others. Laziness affects all parts of our lives if we let it thrive. Eventually the person is spoiled and becomes an antagonist of forwardness, ahead spirit and true ambition..
It is not get seen humans follow a spiritual calling. That is a need to pursue the meaning of life which flows from the deepest source. She not only has her own shortcomings and failures to work with, she is also opposed by tough competitors. Rarely is an understanding greater than the will to fight and win. Gestures of meekness are seldom voluntary and we lose more than we win. Yet its manageble. Like the salmon climb fierce rivers and waterfalls we make the impossible possible. The smallest chance with the greatest risk, life is a real mission. The major aim inherent in all of our hardships and aspirations must be addressed. We grease the the machinery for efficiency. For life to expand upon its curious story ..
Walk and cycle more and drive less. When you use your heart and lungs as machines for transport you create energy and support nature in a symbiotic way. You also get to smell, see and feel the vibes. When you drive to much motorvehicle you get lazy, pollute the air and the engine sucks in and destroy prana from the ether. Until we have invented pollution free cars ill be on my feet as much as possible.
Only one way forward to spiritual liberation..Self improvement..physically, morally, ethically, dietary..Its our prerogative if we are willing..Ascend or descend..freedom of choice is one is forcing you either way. The natural course of the rising spirit is obvious.
Jah stand above all unattached yet attached..Experiencing and growing thru us for a purpose higher than life on this planet
When you live bad you crave for bad stuff, when you live good you crave for good stuff and is repelled by the oppsite. Human are amongst the most adapteble on the planet. We can eat anything, behave in any direction nature has to offer and has brain capacity. Anything we set our minds at happens Will we see our own role in a positive future or will the fatal destruction continue? Destiny is in our hands! Its a choice
I wonder how many man and woman woke up this morning, washed themselves and looked in the mirror and percieved the world from their own perspective. One man told me that when he looked in the mirror he didnt know who that was. Many only have time to see their part of the game, live up to their commitments and keep the world movin. I would suggest a 30 min meditation of introspective silence daily to get peace of mind
We like to hear reassuring messages and positive affirmations that confirm everythings convenient advancement. We rarely want to hear about suffering, adversity and problems. We must understand that this type posivitism is only for the healthy, wealthy and strong. We must not be ensnared by the problems at the same time, we can not ignore suffering.
Truth is a scarcity amongst the bewitched..
The light cant be dimished. It can rest! When you stabilize this current it will move like the sun, in a steady cycle where the course reaching a Zenith daily..
You cant hate the subject you want to convert. When you call the cops pigs and attack them you just raise the emotional barriers.They are humans to, many believeing that they do an honest living and helping others. Other cops are big corrupted psychopathic swines. Only by information and awareness can the tables be turned. Only by love can anything change..
Give thanks to the everliving, everloving father of Iration..Serve H.I.M and live for ever more. Dont stop until the mission completed. Equal rights and justice have to prevail over the monsters of tyranny. The giants are falling, their chaos and confusion is coming to the end..In this age it was prophecised. The lion of Judah is worthy to open the 7 seals in our chakra system. True light over darkness.
Ever evolving perpetual light of us from the hands of the wicked
The collective is hard place. everyone is fighting for their own agenda. To be ready to compromise youre own dreams are necessary if you want to get somewhere. If you are not strong or dominant, good looking its not easy to make your self heard. Remember there is always place for your dreams in your life. You can go your own way. Skills are the key..
Christ said that for those who hurt the small ones it would have been better if they had never been born. Thats because their faces will be stomped until their brains covers the pavement. They will be shot until they look like Swiss cheese. Such a horrible destiny belongs to those who rape and murder children. Selassie I believe in the capital punishment..
Our blessings could become curses, our friends could become enemies, our thought could distract us from thinking. Our happiness could turn into sorrow. Just like the we have night and days, dark and light everywhere in this shadow world so do we pass thru periods of opposite energies.
Our hardship will all bear fruit in the way that they change us. It might not be what we want to see we need to learn. The faster we read the patterns accept and act, the sooner we come to areas that are less entangling. Refuse to accept the unnatural but bow down meekly to whispering wind of faith and do what you have to. Bend like the straw of grass or break. Each one have an obligation to work to overcome..
Say to your self..I believe, I love and I am confident that I will live forever. I am what I am. The I is a seed of Jah. A spiritual spark once lit, now a shining soul. I am the stars that shine in the womb. I am the ancient mystical traveller thru ages and existence going towards the ultimate. The world was activated and set in motion for the I sake..
It is not the new world order fault that we let them control us. it is not society's fault that we do not care about the suffering of others. People complain too much. They want someone to blame. Take responsibility for your own part in what is going on instead. It's our own fault that we let it go on ..
To wring a scapegoat can never solve the root of the problem..
It takes time, it takes devotion to get sophistication..Empty buckets make the loudest noice as them say. To many self proclaimed young messias out there. When you are swept by the wave of enlightment as a young person this condition is common. The power that floats thru them is so wonderful and massive so it gives them a feeling of uniqeness. The psychosis have different severness. Im Jesus is a classic..
When the Kundalini penetrated the highest Chakras it was feel so good that it seems impossible that anyone, anywhere at any time ever have felt that good..
If we are not ready and properly built mentally and physically this fire could burn you..some turn mad..others electric
Self realization teach you that you are one with God. You get unified with the divine force and can see that, but it dont meen you are the almighty God you know!! You have a universe in you but it dont meen its the big universe around you.....Even if you can understand the functions hologrammic, as above so below doesnt meen its the same in physical form. The quantum theorists gonna jump my ass for this... We have to completely destroy the Ego to be able to be our selfs and use the power of the soul freely.
When the ego fades it cant hurt you or disturb your meditation no more, it cant block your sight again and you can behold the omnipresent. You can be humble in all situation as an objective cool observer, eventually even towards the most painful happenings in life.
Cannabis is gaining recognition for its medical properties all over right now. Its a renaissaince since it was a popular medicine in the 19th century and even early 20th. High and low used it.. Queen Victoria used it for cramps, poor people for coughs etc. It wasnt before modern time the anticancer effect and effiecency against neurological disease like Ms and ALS was discovered. Recently a report on 200 studies on cannabis was published. All from universities and real scientists. They all point in one direction. This plant really works 100 % guarantee. Cannabis is and should be used as medicine, or occasionally for recreation, ceremonial and meditation. Youths should not use cannabis regularly because of the immune system. We have an inner cannabinoidsystem. This need to be fully developed before stimula is introduced from outside. The thc molecule fit perfect in our system wich is good when you are treating disease. Disase change who we are..Cannabis can give dying patients life back..Think its time to lift cannabis out of the petty judgement concerning cannabis abusers and lift it to the place where it belong..In the shelfs of our pharmacies prescriptionfree with an minimum age of 21 to buy..In Europe its legal as medicine in Germany, Holland, Italy and belgium and some more. In fact its legal on prescription all over EU but many states have agendas to fight it and complicate for the doctors to prescribe it by legislation..In the US it looks like this: ..................................................................................
Of course healing dont come from medicine alone as the modern society tend to believe. Dietary discipline, and exercise is the foundation for all recovery..Preventing is better than curing. But to leave Cannabis out of our health products and medicines would be a crime against humanity................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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The medical industry belongs to the same cartels consisting of multinational corporations. They dont want us to have a cure..They want to sell it to us and make you die slowly so the can squeese the maximum profit out of us over a long period of time..See thru the bluff and revolutionize healthcare now..Save your loved ones, help those inflicted by terminal illness toget hope..
Cannabis kills Swineflu, Birdflu, Cancers and a range of dieases, heal scartissue, painkiller, sleepin aid, nausea, lack of apetite, take aways syndrom from MS-patients, slow down ALS ( one woman have survived 20 years with this terrible di...sease on cannabis). Its really helpful and good for humanity! How can a few chainsmoker with social problems be allowed disturb a whole healthindustry so important for mankind? Is it that them call responsibility to the public?
The masks will fall. The theatre will end. The behavioral patterns will decieve the evil hearted. Soon they will be read like an open book. Everyone will stare at the naked truth with clear vision and be horrified over their conduct.Things thought to be normal now will be seen as despicable. Tolerance for sick actions and attitudes will end. Mark my word..
Just because you are a lion dont meen you always show your teeth
The liar and deciever have no place in Jah glory..Backstabbers and false tongues. Deprivation, mischief and calamity shall be your music..You are cursed..Fiyah torments must clean them filthy souls..Jah Ras Tafari Selassie I the first of Ethiopiah Selah...
Dont matter how many names, ceremonies or incantations you use to call Jah..H.I.M dont listen to the unworthy, unrighteous, selfish and evil..Him dont sanction wickedness. Emptiness alone shall be your reward. Jah is with the poor and needy, the widow and the fatherless. Jah is with the true sense of virtue within each ones soul. Thats how we know youre bluffing dread..
High principles alone can save you..
Some think you can just grow some locks, dress in Rasta clothing smoke a spliff and think they can critisize, school or judge one of us. I n I pick many lost souls off the street. Because of Ras Tafari mercy. Remember where you were before Rasta took you out of the gutter. Dont bite the hand thet feed Ya! Dont behave like an ungrateful hyena..
Time is the master..Rasta a no fast food consumption, Rasta takes a lifetime commitment and selfimprovement to evolve as a holy person. No joke thing..
I am like the nature..sometimes thunder sometimes not..Love is the sediment anyway..Fiyah and lava, earthquake and judgemant on all wicked that misguide and mislead, punishmant to the false plastic smiling evil hearted..
A true teacher exemplify the right way thru his conduct. To many experts in talking, like knowledge was a thing by it sellf. Knowing without livity is dead structure. I think people rather would listen to the real deal and be really selective. The shallow seekers may fall for the charlatan purposly because its fits their shadowy wievs and low expectation on spiritual matters. Some are to naive to even reflect on it
Death is there to remind us to live. To make us remember how great life is. We are units under construction. Combinations of off and on create intellegence. Its a dynamic solution. Painful for the spirits under progress but then again where we are going are so majestic so words cant express. We are heading for the sea of iimmortality.
We are going to the land with no sleep or death. Its the movement of Jah people
Doing something you enjoy and feel good about is not difficult. Doing something you do not like but is necessary is a bit harder. Doing something that you do not like, and that is not necessary for your situation is almost impossible to see today. Being unselfish is the hardest. Being selfish is not easy either, both have to work very hard...
On the selfishness? or the calls for both in certain balance and order. Who would attend to the sick, help the needy and poor,who would defend the weak or protect law if some where not unselfish..selfishness is the easiest way emotionally..we have to take the hardest route to gain most you know..
Your desires and lusts could be helpful if you have them under control..its like a dog on a leash..some get it to stop from pulling some dont..its all about stubborness
When you can see the One in everything you are close to the truth. When you can look at another and recognize your self..when you can see your self in every creature, plant and element..youre getting closer to the world the unifying and pass the disconnecting..leave racism by the dusty wayside of mans history and trod forward in good spirits
Without human touch the forest would be an inferno. Sticks, fallen trees, bush, thorns, fires, flooding. We have a place in this creation no doubt. But we must use responsiblity, intellegence and wisdom in our endevours. It must be farsighted, biologically and environmentally sustainable..History will judge them who destroyed and plundered this planet
I hear the deepest philosophy flowing thru my day i´ll be granted words to describe wil sophistication. sounds like the Iniverse of Jah, the council of the angels, ancient teachers, fiyah blazing, stars are shooting in my mind..even when I close my eyes I behold the stars..RasTafari is the icient one.
Isolation is like an exile. No one to show you appreciation and support, or inform you when youre about to make a mistake. Humans are made to live together. To be a part of a meaningful structure is important. To give and get, share vibes and thoughts. Some of us are more hermits than others, some more introvert. Effects of a sick loveless society..
unvoluntary isolation is get to the situation when you have to separate from the world in the valley and reach for the mountain is normal.
Life reproduce it self. Galaxies are lifemachineries maintaing the energy flow to the big cause of the universe. Its building new boundaries, pushing the limits, breaking new ground, creating new frontiers. We are its hands and eyes to support the process yet we are the force that grow within its cause.
We came to win not to lose, we came to conquer not to bow, we came to rise not to sink, we came to succed not to fail, we came to ascend not to descend, we came to move forward not backwards, we came to stand up out of the primitive pre-phases of evolution and fly down the Milky way spiral and come out as fullblown gods...
as builders of new Irators of new Irations, fulfilling the meaning of life
I will never cut my hair again..In honour of the almighty as a covenant..Hope it dont grow to fast since it get heavy..I livicate this whole reincarnation in search for holiness..I beat the drums calling the peolpe..zion gates are open..the divine are awaiting its children..
The cleanshaved baldhead posse have a negative image of the rootsman of creation. They impeach and disturb the natural flow of meditation on the planet. Them to caught up in the destructive energies to realize that. The delusion tells them that we are inferior, that we don adapt to the norms of their society. In reality we are much higher wizards in the order of the cosmos, but to humble to inform them.
You know who im talking about, no diss my baldhead bredrins
We walk on the crystalline basement. network of energy flows out from the land. take off your shoes sometimes.
Its there for everyone after we peel of the laywers of Ego covering the core. The personality we built up and thought to be dies and all of that persons wishings , cravings and sorrows dissapear..behind the noice of the buisy mind..there is a simple truth
Its fun...
¨When people say: thats bad! that good! it only reflects how they are, what they know. Standing on a higher point its easy to recognize. In constant flux there is no evaluation standard. The present view are a frozen picture in time. We must be humble and try to not judge. One rule only, dont accept degradation and downfall and let the past be bygones..
Before you have seen God with your own eyes and felt his enormous powers ripping the flesh be quiet and dont try to force others into blind belief. That kind of faith is just confusion. Keep it real for heavens sake because Jah is real. Jah kingdom is real. The Iniversal Iration. Dont disconnect faith and reality. The fear of Jah are the joy of man Irits...
Some say that we are droplets flowing back to the great sea..I say we are droplets flowing from the big sea into our own selfcreated reality.The future is beyond our wildest dreams. As children of the creator we must also become holy creators eventually in the big wheel of time..
Each reincarnation teach us a specific thing, watch where the lesson is to be learned to draw experience from. Each life is a stepping stone to the perpetual. You are the accumulator of spiritual power by striving for expansion of your energyfield. You are building your eternal lightbody. Forward to the future glory.
What one person fears the most another yearns for. What looks strange is actually crystal clear. In the brainwashed mind good is bad and bad is good, everything reversed from a natural meditation. If youre foundation is the platform they thought you will always oppose things outside that framework. You find things to reactionary or contoversial because its something wrong with how you recieve and apprehend..
The city is an devils arena, an game plan with mirrors, traps, negative influences..I man no deh deh..Anyone could be behind the next corner. Wouldnt be surprised if the devil came in to the room. Its their glittery illusion playing like a clockwork. Unatural habitation for a natural creature. Not fit for an forward, upful livity..
Change must definatly come from within, from inside the ranks of officers that think they serve humanty. Wake the awareness and respect for human conscience and kinship. Its only ppl like us behind the uniforms. Fear is the method of choice by the rulers to create dissonance, friction , division, disagreement, discord and non compliance. Keep reaching out to your people.. .
The natural state of the human mind is to always search for improvement on all levels. It wants to be apart of a creative process. It wants to find meaning and proper place for the right thing. Confusion and ignorance is the swamp we come from. Everyone is longing deeply for love and light. That comes thru order..
The free mind is a ending product. We are manufactured, aligned and packed ready for delivery from the human factory into the thought controlled society. The rat running in its wheel. Not of joy but because there is nothing else to do in the cage. So do we.
Absense of nobility bring about injustice and declines the human to an beast. Honesty, fairness and a untouchable will for change are the tools we are given to work with. Any decent person appreciate these qualities. We must implement the highest morality in our conduct. Action can´t be separated from necessity and meaning. Order over chaos..
We have to sort out the chaos and establish order. Our action alone decides our fate. The eyes of liberty and justice control the spiritworld and reincarnation. Multitude of different creations is not chaos. Thats originality of the life flow!! The multifacetted I that see it self as separate..
Its much as the centripetal amd centrifugal powers balancing to uphold the material manifestation. One strive up and one down. Everything is in a state of emerging or declining
Experience teaches us to walk ceaselessly towards the meaningful and drop the the teaches you to stand up again even if you get struck down. It shows you that you should believe in you dreams. Dont think we cold because we are straight forward..Drop your ego issues and join the heartical oneness..The day we unite freedom is at hand.
We must have a solid foundation to stand on..a house built on solid ground, no forces of nature can move that..when the tree have big roots it stand no matter what storms blow..I n I are always the same..Stable in the Irit..Like the nature..
Dont look what you can gain from the world, look what you can contribute with.
The wealth of this world is enough in abundance for everyone..Start the socio-bio-technological revolution..Change must come! Show them the fighting spirit and determination. The will to survive must be abnorm in an unormal situation. They scheeming hold us apathetic with drugs, gmo-foods, vaccines, improper training, the economical system. Refuse to submit. Wake up, rise and work for freedom..
I was conversating with one Indian woman on the train between Dehli and Calcutta. When I told her about my spiritual experiences she said " so your a Baba"!!Then considering im a westener she corrected her self and said " half-baba". The west has excluded hermits, healers, mystics and persons searching the divine. We need to change that to establish order again..
To protect the nature in the space age are not to be misanthropic or reactionary. It´s to be of the guardians of the future. Going back to nature is paradoxical to move forward in our technological development. It is only our bad morals and choices we make that prevent positive progress. Alignment with spirit is more important than controlling and pushing things towards the course modern society has embarked on..
We must be proactive and show foresight. When problems come upon us, it is usually too late. Stumble not with your foot and and continue to look at horizon. Preventive action is better than hindsight. If we let problems pile up, we are paving the way for catastrophe. Every action must be characterized by an understanding awareness of consequences.
Superiority comes from humbleness and Iyah vision. Overviewing things objectivly. Always get the bigger picture. To reach the mountaintops of staggering heights and introspective panorama, share knowledge like breaking bread. Not by boasting oneself with the knowledge accumalated so far. Its not by stepping on another you reach higher but by defeating your own weakness, selfishness and lazyness..
Enlightenment is something that happens naturally. Like the tree grow thru different stages so do we. Everythings irie. No need to sress about that. Just do your duty in the human society to uphold the quality of life. Organic and spiritual. Fight pollution, greed and stupidity. And keep yourself in dignity and clensiness. Maybe rasta is to radical in this time? PPl just want to float above it all get all for free nowadays.They are fast to grasp eastern spiritual concepts without realizing what moral grounds they were constructed on. When they are young its easy to go to fast into things and get an negative overspin leading the seeker to an unrealistic worldview. Getting a to big picture of their own importance. Making them step on ppls toes unwillingly. Their positiveness can be harmful for others..
Them touch the surface slightly and go tell all the others--instead of searching the depths and become that..In India I meet alot of westerners that suddenly take off their jacket and tie, leave their well paid office for a couple of month...s and want to be more spiritual than the babas. Things no work that way..In the Himalays one woman got angry with a begging baba. I told her that we are the river Ganges of money. Thats what our society has to contribute in this ancient country..
Let go of religion now and keep the good principles. No god will help you unless you make your self to an angel. Let go of slackness and seek morality. The way to Zion is narrow..
Selassie teach that spiritual and material must be in balance,,thats why I n I are not to much in to organized introspective meditations searching the "being". Works in the world, selfimprovement morally and principally is buildingstones of... true spirituality. We must be one with the purpose of life, with the moving streams of natural energy in our actions. Not only to be aware. Even the straw of grass is full of " being". We dont have to think about that. The most important thing is what you do in reality. The enlightenment process is personal and happens to everyone.
Religion was created for the wellfare of mankind but was manipulated, converted and distorted to serve the ruthless powerhunger of evil humans. No matter what we a call the destination its the same way for all..
We dont need to sit and dream in a fantasyworld and just"be". dont try to explain what needs to be done with thoughts on how it should be. Everything must start somewhere at some point in order to get to the next step. Nothing comes finished and ready..Life is not only abot being..its about spiritual evolution
Look around you and behold the armagedion. The last age of the great equinox. The endtimes, the last days of the prophecy. Total confusion allover. and inside the minds the illusion is greater than ever so we refuse to see. Woe unto Babylon. The smoke of your meltdown ago cover the earth. The peoples that has bowed to you shall weap..
The darkness shall be thick on the day of judgemant..
To much paradox in the world. To many say one thing and do another. To much hipocracy and double standard. To many wolf in cheaps clothing. To much games. To much talk of peace and to many acts of war. To many plastic smiles covering evil faces. The devil is pleased..
We cant be naive in our faith. Apply your full capacity and intelligence mixed with courage in it. You will need that in time to come. This serious trod takes a serious meditation. Start feel, start activate the energies, move with the spirit. Flow as intended towards the ultimate.
The sun is golden across the fields. Each leaf dancing in the light morning breeze. The air smells so clean. I walk on gravel roads lined with vegetation. The beauty makes me love life more..
Have faith in the victory in good over evil. Internally and externally. Just as its seems the most impossible youre probably closer than ever. The last distance is always the tuffest emotionally. Keep up the pace. No time to lose. Defeat your self and change the world. Vigilance is needed on all levels. The more noble principles must be the superior ones..
Individual success and the common works should never be opposites. Too often in this period of time they are all of competing against each other. It is only by joint efforts we can be allowed to grow as human beings. Dont matter how alone we are on our successes remember they are based on a collective backbone. But community must not hinder personal development and triumphant success ..
I stand on a solid rock..No forces of nature shall move me..My master is the lord of the fires, thunderstorms, volcano, hurricane. He also the lord of love and righteousness. The most high is I shelter none of my enemies shall triumph over me. They shall fall in the pit they dug and Jah wil llift me up to his hola tabernacle to sing his praises..Ras Tafari Selassie I Selah
Jah kingdom is real. Its bloody and tuff if you go backwards. But always hold the greatest promises and the most wonderful chances of reaching beyond your dreams.
Physical reality is necessary for conciousness to elevate it self. But it never attach. The ego make the world real and important for the creatures. I think conciousness is kind of tired on the humans..the slowness might cut us off the evolution. If we dont play our roll and fulfill our obligations then we couldl be considered as enemies of life and be brought to our demise by natures selection..
multi-prophetical conciousness expressing the truth trhough dreams and visions on ones and ones..dont be late to testify what youre seeing. it could give us the clues we need..
Evil consists of a number of nasty energies of destruction tha want to tear down, decline and ultimatly extuingish life it self. Good consists of actions of love, caring and creational energy that want to build up life and create more life..
Yesterday the air was striped by chemtrails in a network as far as the eye could see today thick clouds allover..when the the clouds cracked up a little bit I saw more trails,,Time to stop this beast, time to refuse and say no..They piss us in the face and were just taking it..Time to smart up and take necesary action..Trust Jah promise
Stay pure and the power of the almighty shall be with you like a burning fire..
False spirituality is to only care for your self and your experience. To many smiling faces in a fucked up human society. I see your confused selfimportant meditation and it stinks when children are starving, sickness kills, ppl are dying in war and the earth is polluted and devastated. True spirituality is to care for everyone and the common experience.
One by one reach enlightment and ascend. Thats a fact! Its just a natural order. But it doesnt mean that we are supposed to serach it one by one by ourselfs. That doctrine comes from moneyhungry Indian gurus that wants to use westren seekers. Follow Selassie I all the way to the true spiritual upliftmant of all humanity..
I dont judge them, I dont forgive´s up to everyone how they chose to perform their spirituality. Just saying that their personal endevours is lost in the misfortunes of the collective karma..and that more time their meditation is j...ust an escape from reality considering the circumstances..
religous orthodox many times. Look like saints but inside oppositional, segretational and rascist.
Moksha is the hinduterm for Liberation from the reincarnation. When the soul is ready after billons of years of learning thru reincarnations you attain pefection. That means freedom from the repeated birth and death cycle that is filled with suffering and hard ships. This direction is where everyones heading..
The obligations for a race is quite simple. Serve as an instrument for further development of life by providing an effective, intellegent behaviour to the machinery of creations. The nature that serves the true purpose decides whats good or... bad. Everone have a picture of the truth making billions of truths. But truth can only be one. The one vibration thats the truth. It represents trillions of realitys. Everybody is not going to the same. In the end we split up individually and become creators of our own universes. So i guess truth is evolving to..Visa mer
fiyah being drained by negativity thats a normal part of the journey. The force reveal itself in full splendour to set you straight about the meaning of life and give you ...direction. Usually happens around 28 years of age..Then we pass thru a stage called " the crucifiction" or " the dark night of the soul" wich is a form of anticlimax. From this stage we dont get any more help. We construct our own conciousness from out of the emptiness this point. You can never lose what you have already begotten but it can rest until you raise that frequency again by wich it respond immidiatly..Try to keep the negative ones far as much as possible..Visa mer
the first step towards a unitive conciousness is to eat healthy. Preferably raw vegan diet. Cut out sugar, flour and dairyproducts and alcohole, cigarettes and other harmful chemicals..Try to sort out any personal business that hold...s you down mentally and find out what makes you stronger. Search for the right feeling. Walk with the spirit. When you walk dont go after the clock but go so you feel that you are one with your self in harmony..Visa mer
I think its time to connect spirit and materia, aim and direction, reality and fantasy. Make the dream come true. I am a 100% sure that we could have the greatest vibration and progress in one unity allover..
Each heartbeat is a new heartbeat yet its the ancient sound. Each step is a new step yet its the same old path, We are apart of something great. We are the carriers of history. all the dreams, works and feelings of all ages are in our hands. We have to write our chapter well cause this book is the book of life..
We are our own tuffest judges..No one shall pass the gates of our own conciense without perfect alignmemt with our deepest can fool the whole world but you cant fool your self. Maybe for a while but then that crash to. The self is always innocent, full of wisdom and love.
The blatant is so complicated for the misguided mind. Everything is an problem, always an controversy at any given point. The ignorant want to stop the whole world sometimes to fit their own limited perception. Sometimes they want everyone to understand their point of reality and demand authority even though others might have passed that stage long ago..
We must definatly uphold the principles and laws in our society but we must be on guard against injustice, corruption and conspiracy. Sincerly search, fight and extuingish that.The future depend on how much we control the system, not on how much the system control us as we evidently have witnessed troughout history..
Our entire lifes has been about being someone we´re not. Kindergarden, school, university, military all are institutions to form us into something they want to have. As the geniouses we are we build a personality around that. But to know the real self we have to tear all of that down and resconstruct our selves..
We cant ifdentify with the character they created and shaped in the program. We must find the underlying current, the subconcious subtile divine I..
Introspective meditation, reaching into the palace. After I walked the ally of memories I reached the palace of all times and ages. The invisible paths of the soul are gateways to timelessness. I dove into the ocean of excstacy and stayed getting ready to further explore the unseen. Jah is my guide, the spirits are my companions, I am my only friend.
If you can see in your mind and your dreams. Its obviously not your eyes looking. Its your self absorbed in it self, bathing in streams of conciousness seeing its own situation in symbolic abstract riddles, allegories and metaphores. The universe use your brain as a transmitter to dispaly subconcious images needed to navigate in awake mode.
The illusion of the ego is so real..when we are to much in it we hurt. We suffer from personal issues and grieves our own physical breakdown, modes unrelevant to our eternal soul but never the less real and troubling right now. Like big dar...k mountain tops to cross to get to the better land.
Dont put your trust in the false rulers of the earth. Dont believe in their lies. They are bound to fall. It a go dread! Makes no difference how much wepons they have. The nuclear missilestations have been shut down many times by the unknown..We are under observation by just powers. The evil are desperate now. Just satta and hold the medi. Watch dem now..
This is the region where the good ones get singled out, chosen to see the perpetual. Perfection and works are the ticket out of the critical zone of reincarnation. You have to break thru the backwards motion and conquer your self. We are constantly auomatically drawn down and only by personal effort is it possible to get to the light..
The wicked wont get any further, dem cant reach the higher. The story ends here..The righteous will live forever. Hear the song of Zion
Politicians talk about positive growth in regions meaning bigger economical effiency. It means the destruction is greater. The environmental and physiological problems increases. Prices rises higher, sallerys going down. How can you stand there and talk about good growth Dont give me that shit you hippocrates..
The Illuminati agenda. Total fascist dictatorship. Be sincere about your life and whos pulling the strings on the puppets called politicians..
I think we have to fight for independance from a downgoing society.
You are like the diamonds, crystalized in a habitaion. The cream of the milk, top of the top, the concious I of the nature. Act like that.
When you see the beuty of the world and the universe you should know that you are a product of that, thet you are one with that..
When we are open for impression. Force unfolds naturally.
Everyone comes to a point in their lives when you do not want to go back because of others anymore. Or maybe age do so you cant stand the time waisting, or experience make you find debates over matter with obvious answers annoying..
When you find out then you will know. When you know you can chose how to relate to that. It give more personal freedom. The worst thing are prefabricated formulas how to react to everything without knowing what its about. That is the mind prison, voluntary behind invisble bars, blindfolded and curtailed..
To discover new things in your self and in the world is a great feeling, a tingelin warm sensation. To learn is to grow..
The Masons built America. Thats why they call it the land if the free! The land of the The freemasons..
I will never bend or bow. Never surrender. If im wrong I will admit that and change, if im to harsh i will humble myself. But I will never compromise or cooperate with the opposing egoillusion mindset. I will never participate in your dishonour. More judgemant!! Fiyah
Freedom can never come out of racial discrimination, freedom can never come thru war, freedom can never come from ethnical clensing, freedom can never come from hate. Freedom can only come from unity, love and overstanding!!!
This schoolsystems abuse is very vicious and devious. Them violate our most precious chances in life, our personal dharma. They are forming us to slaves repeating what they want us to say and believe or know. With the amount of brain power they find aproprate.
Thoughts and activity shape the structure of your brain. The more advanced use the more the brain grow nervs and cells to meet that demand. Wich is a fantastic thing. But the schoolsystem actually shrink the brains function since we arnt allowed to think freely and search our own point of geniouis where we can push forward individually. Its like legal lobotomy..
Children are geniouses without any manners. Teach dem the right way to live dont tell dem how to think and believe. They´ll figure out everything soon enough.
Today almost all information are available but societys restrictions are still rigorous. Its like showing kids candy and dont let them get it.
Be proud of your uniqeness. You are the original. The one and only. Risen here by your own prerogative. Heading towards the infinite like a burning star. Those in the illusion all wants to look the same. They all have the same false planted dreams revolving the given way. Step out of that!. Dare to be yourself. You are the flowers in Jah garden. All colours and shapes.
Get out of the mind prison. Cant hate your self for not fitting the norm of others.
If you dont learn from history youre bound to repeat the same mistakes. No nationalist racist civilization have ever made it so far, they all fell thru the ages.Their ruins signifies mans grand failures.
When you feel something strong thats a frequency wave emanating from your soul after thought and reconing tease different emotions, or it could be caused by guiding spirits to tell you something important. When a spirit shows its presence you feel waves of shiverings run down your back from the head. Love is their language. You might see pictures in your mind or see things synced with a thought.