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söndag 10 juli 2011

My philosophy part 7

When you can see the One in everything you are close to the truth. When you can look at another and recognize your self..when you can see your self in every creature, plant and element..youre getting closer to the world spirit..search the unifying and pass the disconnecting..leave racism by the dusty wayside of mans history and trod forward in good spirits
Happy are those who hear the spirits guide them. They will never be in for surprises, they will never be ambivalent, they will never lack anything and no one can say or do anything bad to them, infront or behind their backs..
Religous and Secular supersticion have created a fear for the unseen, unwritten and untold. The unknown frightens but when it becomes known it stengthens. To be in connection with the world beyond is often confused with witchcraft. God said... "WE" created heaven and earth..We are spirits to but with a garment of flesh..The kingdom is greater than our limited conceptions admit..These are the invisible eyes of God watching everyone every second..Everyone have appointed guardianspirits, without them we would be an easy prey for the devil..Often they are passed relatives..You please them by having a clean home, moral habits and burning some expensive oils and incense..
If my vision are blurred by conditioning the road to freedom is to free up the mind. The only limitations on what you can do or become are the boundaries set by education, class and experience. You could accomplish great things and you have unlimited resources of spiritual energy. The psychological barriers are the biggest walls. When the enemy can control how you view your self they have complete power over you.
Blessed are the wise. They are like a tree. Them can cool you when its to hot, they can shelter you when the heavens open and rain a pour down. They can give you reason to belive. Their words can guide and heal us. We must defend our councils.
When you have faith your spirit changes and a connection with the most high is gradually established. This link to the creator enables the inner powers to rise and affect your mind, thoughts and equations. Thats when you can be at service for mankind to enlighten, motivate and inform.
The egoist that are deceitful, deceptive, and doing others disappointed has never understood a fundamental thing. They have never had the great privilege to be able to delight another person. They have never realized how much it is worth and that it is the only way to be happy yourself. They move in the superficial layers of consciousness. Hanging on the strings of nonsense ..
The loving moments are the ones we want to remember. The difficult moments are those that shape our personalities. In the end, just a great acceptance and understanding.
We are all hard as granite by life's experiences no matter the degree of horrible experiences. We need to remember that to make life beautiful. So we do not do evil to our fellow human beings ..
Never have the brilliance of a persons mind been greater than when the integrity and tolerance create a stressfree enviroment where the spirit can thrive and follow its inspiration. Mingled with the demands of reality it produces a noble, light and easy living. Necessity have pushed some remarkable results but voluntary is closer to each ones heart and bring the most inspiring deep and peculiar echoes in our souls
The impersonal creates distance. We do not feel the same way when we are not complicit. When we are delimited by self-interests. The manipulator are keeping us in that disposition so we will be more controllable. They know that we would not want to abandon something that we have built with our own hands. Disagreement is important for the new order of death to maintain their establishment..
When we take the intrinsic meaning for granted at all times. When it becomes goes without saying exclusively by its own value. When we systematically categorizes experiences and truths in outdated beliefs and deny the developing truth. Then we are mislead, then we are lost from the true path.
Every single step taken of faith and love leads to faith and love. The seeds of love will give thousands of times while the vines of hate will destroy.
Build the Merkaba. Dont waste no time. This world is but a dream. The light you accumelate will be the measure. Life is just for a little while. The truth lasts forever. The objective is larger than life itself. Remember that before you partake in the orgies of this material realm.
Spiritual power takes time to build but takes less time to break down. This rich treasure must be worn with vigilance, thrift and determination. The whole world lies in ambush to trap your aspirations. The illusion chasing you like a hungry wolf. Only by creating a sacred temple to the spirit of life, you can see the truth get power and be free ..
Dont want to school anyone. Reminding myself. Thinking out loud. Letting the pen flow without a cause. Found the truth long time ago. The eternal truth of Jah kingdom. Dont want anything else. Dont want to be famous, dont want to get attention, dont want money. I want peace and love.I want the fire of righteousness. Selassie I wadada..
Like dew drops gleam nicely in the morning sun after a night of heavy fog shall our consciousness brighten from the darkness and fold beautifully in the lively glow. All search ends there and turn into work. The labour of love. Tough job to avoid going back to a world of duality and fractions when you been drinking yourself intoxicated on God's nectar
Once you've seen the huge expanses of Jah's kingdom, one is struck by the humanity distressing situation. Truth becomes a burden in the sense that the possible torments. You also realize why. Human stage is only an intermediate step, a phase of development that will never be perfect. Just accept and step forward with confidence ..
We will always long for something somewhere else because this is not the final destination. Restlessness can be a product of this deep need to move forward and develop. Often do we feel depressed when we dont progress as expected or get caught in a feeling of stagnation. We can break down our selves if we try to change the world to much..
There is no idea to expect too much. It builds up pressure that can easily be releasing an anti-climax. Take everything as it comes with Jahs irie meditation. Pulling the strings on the material creation with good intentions and you will get, with impatience and stress, you simply drag yourself down. No idea to expect too little either. Expect nothing and receive everything.
You walk in the garden of your dreams, you give them care and love. You water them when they are thirsty. You cut them a little if they stuck out too much. You give them food. In the end, you hope they grows out their big beautiful flowers. You can not have unreasonable demands on yourself and stick the pace. Let them grow in their own time, only make it possible.
The repeaters of the new age gurus keep on repeating and quote others. There is only love and fear them say..There is only high and low I say..Fear and love is on the left and right side of that..
You are walking in the footsteps of the original One, the gods, the angels and all higher lifeforms. Jah was the first to make this journey. We apart of the divine chain of souls. We are the we are the rude, spoiled little siblings in the family. Thats why we get a spankin when we are out of order..
To seek perfection is to admit life. To acknowledge your inadequacy is to understand the terms. To believe that you are perfect is the illusion prison chaining your feet on the wheel of rebirth. No one is born perfect, that's why we became human beings, we must work for exaltation. We pry up the hard lock to eternity and glory
Seek life!, get out of the valley of death..each dawn show you hope..all tears will be wiped away..seek holiness! avoid the profane..everything dissolve now but the One.
Those who love vanity are bound to fall with the evil sorcerers who made this illusion. Those who love the false image goes down with the evil one projecting the lie behind the mirror. No bransch shall survive the root it grow on.
To overcome the hardships, setbacks and humiliations of life is the works of the divine. That process of pushing forward no matter what it self are the very essence of divinity. When we conquer our selves the resistance that kept you down turns to assistance that holds you up. Even enemies turns to friends. Weaknesses turns to strengths. The very moment we take a step in to the future with renewed hope, fierce forwardness and positive vibes we defeat the dark shadows of the past. When we achieve that victory all former is cleared and turned to dust that blows away with the winds of new life..
There must be no voids in the perfect teacher's thinking, behavior and conduct. Wisdom is acquired through humility and lives inside the serenity. The imperfect ones are spreading unclean teachings that create chaos in the world.
Lack of empathy clouds the purest doctrine, it negate the respect that is essential for a favorable full exchange to be possible between the giver and the reciever. A role model and source of inspiration must be clean.Their senses must be calmed and filled with fairness and justice because anger changes the finest human being like a storm rip the beutyful lanscape. Their feet must go in the direction as their lips
Some people do the hard work some polish on the details. Some explains the process others the purpose or function. No one of them are less necessary than the other for the overall result. When different personality types disrespect each other its resulting in disarray and disorder in humanity.This makes the type of success and development that we are so dependent on for survival impossible.
The trees and the rivers show your glory..the mountains and the heavens your handy works..all springs are in thee..where there is righteousness there is always deep magic.. I behold the wonders
Love is the energy of life. searching for medium to express it self. looking for oppurtunities to strike. Laying dormant to blossom quickly when called upon. Passion is like when you strike a match, it light up but burn out quick. Real love keep growing continuesly and never ends. Happy are those that get to know her in perfect harmony. Truly they know heaven
Meditation is the stillness of the mind..thats where we soar in the heavens and remember the love of Jah..bathing in the divine waterfall...righteousness is the alignment with the force wich elevate One into the everlasting heights.. Dont try to please the world. Serve the soul in your self and all other beings
Meditation is a natural thing we dont need to learn,,It accure spontanously when stillness is achieved..When the stressed buisy mind is silenced. Sit down and let the mind work until its finished..dont try to force it either way.. let the thoughts think until thery are ready.. deal with the situations that disturb you.. after a while from 1 houir to 24 hours depending on the level of stress you will experience peace..its not going to be easy because all emotions and unsolved, unfinished business comes to surface.. keep doing it regularly and the obstacles between you and your heights are vanished. Eat concious food for a concious meditation also..
Take time to nourish the soul. That is the energysource for all achievements..You will find that you never get tired or run out of inspiration of energy if you take care of the spiritual. The hard part is if no one else have that intention in our social enviroment or even that they demand such practise to stop. To many live on the very surface of existance without embracing the depths of life.
Cannabis users dont need to meditate they need to activate to access divine powers..
Evolutionists and believers dont need not to argue. They are just different flips of the coin. Whatever they say they are trying to explain the same thing. Right! What they should know is that merely believeing create energy, pure light and lifeforce. Dont matter what anyones philosophical school or stream of thought or faith are, we are all the same thing.
A little encouragement by a friend can change the energy completely. Word of the loving support works better than someone yelling and whipping your ass. Nobody wants to look stupid. Nobody wants to fail a trust or betray a confidence. The way of love is mightier than the way of force.
We have lived in an era of mistrust, conflict, hatred, misfortune, accidents, disasters, criticism, lies, manipulation, conspiracy. It has left its mark. All glances askance at each other in utter disbelief. It can completely disrupt the good vibrations. It is important to believe in the positive now, and be wise.
We all have to do our share in trying to bring about the change we all so much ache for. Remove all obstacles, stumbling blocks and stopsigns thats slows down the real progress we need by lovingly pursue the path of peace, wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Identify them who work in the wrong direction and react. Cant follow their agenda no more
Anger or stress dont bring good results..You dont speed up anyone by pushing them down..you dont lift up your self by self afflicted emotinal breakdowns..easy and focus does it..helpfulness is better than critisism
We must remember to have fun and spread happiness if possible. Often life turn in to a deadly combat where people desperatly step on eachother in order to gain. We walk around with the dark cloud of anger and frustration covering our meditation and love for life. If you get the chance to make someone happy, take it! because all are under pressure..
Whatever is done has a price on the personal level. We pay in time, happiness, success, inner peace, wealth. We have to work. We were not born to be idle. we need to give our best to win the truly important price. Give everything and you get everything, give nothing and you get nothing.
Each action is a one way ticket to a perticular fate. Where to go is free of choise. Beware of wrong doing, it always backlash. Wrong choices snare you like the fowler. We are the creators of our own joy or misery. Actions in former lifes formed the being you are today and actions today form who you will be. Think before you act. Chose the right thing to do..
The choices we have made so far has put us in the situation were in. Nothing comes incidently..that dont mean you shouldnt help a person who have made the wrongt choices in life!
only the wise can bridge the gap between life and death..
Often we forget to be aware about the outcome for others when we have our own treasure in sight. But when fail another we fail ourselves further down the line. Descisionmaking must be allowed to take time without turning to indescision. Jah know life call for quick action but eventually our minds are so fast so they can see ultrapid as slow- mo and immitetly spot the right path at glance..
We are so strongly influenced by desires the we are ashamed and think its ridiculous afterwards looking back at our selves. Such bewitching forces are not easy to control. We have to know were peeling of layers of illusion to reach the nectar of divine. Dont feed your illusions, destroy them one by one. Fight what leads you astray and your on the way home..
Desires are strings attaching us to material reality. Make righteousness, virtue and dsiciplin to your desires and nothing shall be missing. The past will make it self reminded and those feelings will have power over us psychologically so build your strength on a solid foundation.
Wisdom is in the sight of the one who overstand their minds vision and follow the sensible voice inside. The true self reveals all in due time so we might never fall short of guidance. Listen and you will know. Hear the voice of eternity guiding you as its child in every situation. Stress, denial and mental effervescent make us only to hear the echoes of a dying reality..
Watching the "news" is like a comedy when you know the true story..
Make sure you dont travel down a dead end road..
Make sure you dont pass the point of no return
Spread the joy even when you're down. Cheer up and tell people how much you admire and love their work and their presence. The positive actions will eventually loosen the knot that binds your joy. We have to act differently before the depression paralyze us. The way we think and feel affects the vitality, energy level and cell structure
Just like we rest our bodies we must rest our minds from work or training. And just like we wash our bodies we must wash our minds from impurity and filth. Freshness and regeneration on all levels of existence is go-ahead spirit.
Dem cant burn me because I am the fire..Anything they throw at me just makes me feel better..hate, love anything I transform it to energy..I am the magnetic serpent
A good advice from an experienced well-known person is a magical spell that gives you the confidence, encouragement and strength to perform things that you thought were impossible before. It shows the tremendous power we have to inspire and the responsibilities it entails.
A person who uses anger to do something positive will be misinterpreted and face resistance. Only if they are surrounded by very sensitive understanding people, can they make themselves understood. Anger is the way of the unsophisticated to express feelings and operate in everyday life.
most are very angry and thats the zone where the devil wants us to be..I would make a difference on rightful anger and anger as a method..sometimes we should get very angry its natural to protect and uphold. We cant harnest such feelings on a daily routine and still be normal productive humans..
The musical scale should interact with Fibonacci sequence and Solfeggio frequencies to bounce within the circuit of life..sound influence matter, forming structures, patterns that quickly retune your brain and resonating in the bodys water..
we need strategies to encounter and defeat diseases. Most of them arise out of wrong diet, stress and pollution. Most of them are reversable..food, lifestyle, enviroment, music, medicinal plants and herbs, vitamin and minerals, human touch, spiritual and positive vibrations is needed to start heal..
We are filled with the lifeenergy of the spirit..When we hit our selves we automatically put our hands where it hurts and start to heal..Our hands are channeling massive amounts of energy from the center..when a child stumbles and bruce a limb we blow away the pain with our breath..the spirit take away the pain,,where there is spirit there is no death. Where there is light there is no darkness..
When you are very sick you cant trust no one in this society. The doctors are programmed in believing the narrowminded lies of an indoctrinated rigidly institutionalized academy. The herbdoctors and healthexperts are all thiefs serving those with money only. Most ordinary people around you dont give shit. Most familys stand helpless and adapt to the directions..
Our "civilisation" is just a facade, an empty lie that harms those who believe in it. We have corrupted anything corruptable. Behind the illusion the bitter taste of death and gradual decline into the postera of the human project. Will we allow all of our dreams and works thru the ages be lost in this unworthy fabricated hell? or will we comprehend and adjust?
will we massacre all living things on the planet and totally destroy all ecosystem? The world dont care! It adapt and create new things..Its just we and our contemporary species that perish
If you always measure your success in comparison with others you'll never see the unique opportunities that belongs only to you. Then you are chasing mirages in a desert of despair. You're wasting time to walk in the footsteps of others who never came up. To search for your weaknesses and destroy them there is real success ..
The sacred must not be mixed with the unholy. Life does not need death to exist. Life is the light that rises out of the darkness. Do not get confused and think that evil is necessary for some sort of balance. Evil is there to test us and see if we are worthy to walk the golden path of honor.
One force strive for existence and one for non-existence between them the material creation play its drama, working its mission. Producing energy and concious spirits. The spirit world and the material grows simultaneously together side by side. Spirits begin the journey as Ions, materia as Atoms. These two realms are linked in synchronistic interaction making the world.
The worshipping of idols are in vain. Performers of music, film and sports have been the heroes in this era. Yet they put up an act and are covering their true identities. Be careful who you a big up! For the awakened idolize a different thing, the wise observe other qualities and are looking for the pure sources. Authenticity is important for quality. Clean water can never be drunk from a contaminated spring..
Be on the alert for this thing is not over yet! Transition times of great changes are coming. Unity is the only way to survive. Dont believe one word the goverments are tellin ya. Dont let them fool ya and blend ya with their stupid money and thing. Dont let them shoot you up with nasty vaccines. I say the simplest ones of you who are pure shall truly be on top of things in the higher regions
Open up your eyes and behold the illusion. See the truth and get out of this foolishness. It aint doing no good for ya. This network of crooks cant be allowed to proceeed. Make truth to your weapon and accept nothing less. If we can learn to stand for the right and defend the things which we know are good we can stop the works of the selfish, greedy vampires
when you are socially subjected and have things difficult people have a way of being experts that assesses but dont help. When you're down, you know who your true friends and who are the greatest hyenas. Do not forget it when you're back on your feet again
Lessons have to be learned wether we like it or not so you might just face people head on with the things that bothers you about them,,dont be oversensitive to others feelings,,just give them what they need to evolve as a person,,give them what they deserve because thats the best for them,,but dont cross the border to meanness
Dont beat around the bush about peoples flaws..tell them straightforward in a familary manner..
The eyes of love see only beuty,,the eyes of hate only misery,,life's eyes sees only life as it considers its own time,,You decide how you look at things and it flows through the body as the powers of the energies your thoughts generate,,how you deal with the existence and life's inequalities will make your path straight or crooked,,how you manage to handle sorrows and see things in a positive light is the key to success,,we must go thru the emotions that appears with the events of life but we cant get drawn down and get sucked in to a lower dimension,, we cant forget the uiniversal love and get stucked in the mourning of the unfulfillment our own egos dreams,,,
The most heartaching is when we fail another ones hope. When you have promised someone and worked hard to accomplish that and still dont reach there,,When we have to leave someone in despair,,thats why the principle of doing things straight away is so important,,life dont wait around,,time dont wait for no one,,dont say "later" or "tomorrow"
Its always easy to be wise afterwords but the true master have learned to sight situations until the intuition rise that gives him sovereignity,,,the invisable becomes visible in the light of our genious subconcsious mind,,we are trodding a path of recognition,, of our own identities and powers,,searching to ignite the flame that transform in to eternal light,,,
Life after life,,we live and learn, becoming masternavigators,,rulers of our own destiny,,,
Life is like a computergame,,its a journey through many levels where you can find hidden bonus points and extra powers, and you got a player that resurrect in new bodies as he drops old ones behind, contantly fighting to reach the top,,your self lives ithe deathless plane with strings attached to the physical body,,,as soon as the spirit withdraw the body fall flat
Life is holy,,remember that! this is the greatest adventure ever,,more peculiar than any fairytale,,pure magic in selfelevation,,learning to create,,learning to become magnificent,,learning to love,,building structures in empty space,,guided by an invisible force, an energy that sweaps your soul like the winds and waters moves the vegetation,,listen to the ancient I,,Jah is,,
Not only must we share eachothers joy we must also help to carry each others grieve,,we must share losses and help others to go thru,,In your brightest moments send a thought to the ones having hardships,,because we take turns on that-