Only when people stop from seeing the differences they can see the unity of things
The shallow minds bubbles towards the surface to dissolve into thin air, the deep minds dives deeper and deeper into the ocean of consciousness.
Shoulder to shoulder humanity could make it work together. We could learn to evolve out of the present mental slavery, and ultimately get sovereignty over the evil.
Those who have built the highest walls around themselves are the loneliest ones...
Share your experiences with others and learn from what you hear. It makes us more aware of dangers or possibilities. But always keep your mind open for the unknown and unpredictable
In the city it seems like everybody wants to be alone! Yet they live so packed together, intertwined with others..
By observing what you do i know your inner secrets! . By studying the illusion somebody is trying to portrait, i know what they arent. By watching your eyes shine i know your dreams..
The city is a symbol of humanity’s broken dreams and failure, the countryside is ravaged by human parasites killing the land, choking the natural force of creation. The forests are cut down and replaced with rows of planted trees that only suits to serve economical interests. The sea is polluted by garbage and poison. Where is the glory of Jah to be found nowadays?
Unity is necessary to accomplish anything great! This is the dreaded age of selfishness, misunderstanding and misfortune in the wheel of time. Many people are suffering in the city disregarding social position, family situation and standard.
Words of encouragement feels good in times of pressure! Lift up one another and help those who need it. Tomorrow it might be you that are in need..
As we pass trough the days of our life awareness is growing. You start to recognize the patterns. What used to be mysterious turns out to be clear as bright burning stars in the heavens of your mind....
The struggle for human survival on this planet is meaningless if we don’t face the important issues first! Environmental, biological, moral, educational, medical, ethical, psychological and spiritual matters
The guardians of normality will always attack the exceptional. Anything outside the norms of regular knowledge is deemed to be strange, yet most answers to our biggest questions lays there.
The truth is yours if you want it! If you are ready to step out of your comfort zone and dare to think free! People might criticize, slander and attack you but its there for you waiting..
Tribal consciousness clashes with universal consciousness. Its two incompatible ways. In the ancient world the tribe, clan or residential area was the main concern. Race, religion, tradition and culture kept groups together. While in the new world we must care for everyone, everywhere, for the upliftmant of all life forms according to the divine law of the universe.
All disease, ignorance and poverty must be eradicated by the works of our hands. We shape the future of our race.
The only way to grow as a person is to learn. We are here to grow spiritually so we can provide the cosmos with life power. Consciousness is what its built of..
Dont ever assume that others will act or think like yourself. Dont try to judge anyone with your own version of reality. The world is not like its supposed to be, it is like it is..
There is no such a thing as death! That the separation from the body would be the final destruction is something the materialists made up to control us. There is only eternal life in different forms..
Meditation, prayers, spiritual practices and studies are all good, but the most important thing is self improvement. So we can fit in the order of the almighty...
Our galaxy is one of billions of galaxies in the universe. Our star system is one of billions of star systems in the Milky way. Do you know how small the possibilities are that we should be alone in space?
Our eyes sees three- dimensional but we live inna multidimensional reality. Like the blind mould creates his world underground, we must also create a reality we see as true in our minds to live in even if we are blind to other dimensions. .
Every star upon the night sky is a blazing sun surrounded by planetary systems..
The rainbow have seven colors. Only together they form light. The ether has seven powers. Together they make the force...
Make sure you have passed trough all the stages of illumination before you start preaching. To many so called messengers only pass their illusion on. Their teachings only reflect their present immature stage of consciousness...
The main thing that lock people is that they think they know everything, and refuse to accept or learn new concepts. If you always fight everything outside your experience or view of reality you can never grow spiritually..
We have to forgive everyone and move on. Even those who have hurt us, or hate us. We must do it for our own sake, cause when we forgive we heal our own hearts..
The true masters of wisdom dont want thousands of followers to praise dem and fill their pockets with money. They are ordinary man and woman amongst us sharing their deep reflections on life’s wisdom.
Ganja is not illegal because it makes you feel high. Its illegal because it heals many disease and free up your mind. That’s a threat to the rulers of the system..
the lazy sees only difficulties, while diligent people sees only oppurtunities..
Life is the everlasting journey...
If we are the children of God we must also be small gods..
The truth speaks for itself. We just have to be introduced to the right way..
Criticism are often cloaked in false respect. Honesty requires strength..
Dogmatic stagnation is a threat to real evolving spirituality..
Rastafari is one of the mystical stairways to the divine. If you follow the original principles of Ital livity and morality the door will be open to the highest of heights. Selassie I stand for perfection. The lion of Judah shall save many souls..
It´s strange that the principles we value highest like keeping hygiene, save money, show respect, don’t waste, rape or commit crime don’t apply in our relation to mother earth. Our race abuses her daily with all sorts of pirate like ravage and attack her with industrial pollution. When will we learn? Maybe when we have to face the consequences
If you think to much yore body fade away, if you’re to physical your brain withers away. I think balance is the key..
Some people are desperately clinging on to their indoctrinated lies in an attempt to maintain some kind of inner stability, while others fly free in perfect harmony..
It´s easier to reject something than to take the time to understand it. It´s easier to hate than to love. Its easier to let go than to take responsibility. If you want to get somewhere its good to take the complicated demanding alternatives..
I don’t want to be here and now only. Anyone could do that. I want to be everywhere forever
The opposite to creativity is repeating old patterns over and over again..
We all have a background and culture, we all come from somewhere but we all live for the same reason..
Those with high expectations often become unhappy, those with low expectations are usually happy
Something has to be the largest object in the universe, and something must be the smallest. It is a natural law of physics. Someone must have the highest intelligence, and someone must have the lowest. It is logical. The rest of us are somewhere in between at various levels. The one pon top we a call Jah...
We are surrounded by spirits. Never think that you are alone and nobody sees you, that is an illusion. They watch us all the time..
Suffering is for lower species in the incarnational system, its there to force the spirits upwards to higher forms of life. We humans have the technology and knowledge to live inna paradise. Its just our ignorance and wickedness that keeps us down..
I see religion as a venom that poisons the mind of the human race. It only builds barriers and creates hate and confusion. There is only good and evil you know. Choose side..
True unity comes when we can accept each others differences and work together for a common goal that serves a higher purpose...
We should interfere when we see injustices, not only lift our shoulders and say it’s the way of the world. We create the world we want to live in..
Every word a human say reflects the depths of her soul. Every action a human performs has a motive. Every decision a person takes affect her destiny.
To believe the unbelievable is to make progress. Reality exceeds our wildest dreams..
Once a man told me that life is not more worth than a wing of a fly. I told him that for the fly that wing means everything. And so it is with us humans to. Our life is worth everything for us, cause its the only mean we have to lift off and fly into immortality..
People play ruff and tuff. But in the jaws of death at the physical destruction everyone a humble. Even the smallest insect wants to live..
We can not live in the past. But we can certainly journey into the past and get feelings and forces that we can use in the present
A man without knowledge is like a bird without feathers. He cant fly in the heavens of realization, or keep himself warm in the icy attitude of the ignorant and wicked or be beautiful in his mind..
Woman is the center of human life. Everything revolve around her. Family, social structure, love and equal principles. The wicked have suppressed her and built a world of ignorance and injustice..
Once a man asked me why i don’t drink milk or use dairy products. It was a gift from God he said. I told him this! If you walk trough the desert thirsty and reach an oasis with a camel standing by it, would you go and suck the camel’s breasts or drink the fresh water?
The truth is so obvious that it’s hard to see it sometimes. Often we miss things under our nose in plain sight. We expect it to be more complicated because the human race as a collective have so many questions and uncertainties. But it’s really, really simple. When you find it individually, believe in your self....
To discover the secrets of the universe is the only way forward. Endless possibilities await. This primitive level will soon be history..
Only love can build the vibrations you need, hate only locks you in the prison of your frustrated mind.
Time can be your best friend, or your worst enemy. Enjoy every enjoyable moment while you can. Don’t tell me you got to do something just to make time pass.
This is a time of self destruction, it is a time of manipulation. More and more find out these days..
Think beautiful thoughts and paint the world with your positive meditation. There will always be setbacks but resistance is only there to sharpen us..
To overcome difficulties is a part of life. Don’t lose hope and feel despair when your way is misty and covered in darkness. Remember that the light, when it comes, will always shine brightest for them who have really missed it.
We need a spiritual, loving revolution. Don’t do what they want you to do, don’t think like them want you to think. Do what your heart and conscience tells you is right no matter the cost.
Don’t borrow or lend, that only strengthens our enemy. Give to those who needs it and the universe will pay you back tenfold.
Bass a vibrating so massive it a burn out the weakheart. I dare any vampire to step inna the dance and come out in one piece. Conscious warriors of Jah a love it..
See yourself in history surrounded by great peoples and ages. And remember that now is also a great part of history.
Positivity makes you see the brighter side of things, philosophy makes you see the deeper aspect of things, and spirituality makes you see the inner meaning of everything.
Its easy to howl out RasTafari, its harder to be a real italist and live the demanding ways of H.I.M. Only the fittest of the fittest can survive this holla judgemant..
Souls of the highest order are refined, humble and wise..
Every heart knows its own sorrow and joy; every foot knows its own step. Every spirit knows its own salvation. We can’t judge another by our own standards.
Know a who you a work for. Weigh every word and action on a golden scale. Make sure its proper. Otherwise the devil will fool you..
H.I.M said its better to give than to receive. Its because giving is a higher more divine principle than receiving in the order of things. The creator gives to the created, the created receives from the creator.
Learn to cure and heal all diseases. Don’t give the power over your life to the system, don’t put your life in the hands of the wicked..
There are no mysteries left at all in this time. Everything has been revealed for those willing to see and accept. The only still remaining mysteries is in the heads of the ignorant. Every generation have to pass trough the awakening so the questions will always arise. Those who know it all many times could keep it quiet not to spoil the fun for those coming after. Yet again if it is a evolutionary step they should have this foundation in order to take the next..
The truly conscious people are them who are free from religious dogmatic indoctrination. They don’t believe in borders or barriers between countries and races. They don’t believe in loud debates and discussions. They always overstand everyone and wishes all the best. Them don’t believe they know everything. They know that life is a constant process of learning and they try to help others on the way. They are not prejudists and racist, they are not ritualists or traditionalists. They simply live in love and unity with the whole world. Any good human is their friend. When they meet someone who knows more than them they are glad, when they meet someone who knows less they have pity. They are the perfect ones. No hate, misunderstanding or envy haunts them. Only they are fit for Zion, only they are fit to see the everlasting kingdom of Jah RasTafari Haile Selassie I
Ganjaoil cures most diseases. Raw food take away all symptoms, and the positive meditation heals you. Spring water activates your cells. Search the nature for remedy; search the spirit of Jah for Itection.
From tribal to national, from national to international, from international to universal. Unity and progress goes hand in hand. Can’t have one without the other. In the big scheme of things we must fulfill our sacred duty. Control our destiny. One order under the almighty inna strict fashion. In the law of Karma we sow the seeds to our triumph or destruction. In the wheel of life we find our true path. Find the natural flow of creation and work with it. Use the energies don’t fight it, don’t work against them. Let this world live and you will live. Give everything you have to this world and it will give you everything there is.
Like the falling leaves in the autumn so is the people of this age. You cant hate the leaves for falling in the changing of seasons. When you find the dignity of your anciency you will see the truth about this time. This is the very last days before the new age will bloom. Much turbulence allover. Just ride out the storm. Much thoughts going out to the people in need in the world right now. Australia and Brazil is the start of big changes. More will come. The polar shift is on since 2 years. The enigma unfolds. The ages moves on, another chapter ends and a new one starts...
Self-examination is necessary before you accuse someone else. The biggest reason why we can not tolerate other's is jealousy and fear. The petty choices people make keeps everybody down.
Anyone who is not generous slows down the world's pace. Give everything you have in all situations confident that you will receive new blessings. It is an eternally abundant source you get from. But beware of the false parasites and the vicious hyenas that are amongst us..
You are surrounded by stars as far as your eyes can see, deep down in the deepest space. How come some only sees the everyday runnings of human life on this planet?. Cant they see the obvious? Gazing into the vast skies from this little planet should make you realize something. The more blind the person is to simple logic the deeper their confusion about the meaning of life.
The world is a self sufficient lifemachinery. Conciousness is the matter its producing. Created by higher beings and put in orbit with the moon as a balancer of the spinning motion. Our souls are eternal interdimensional travellers changing bodies as we evolve.
Rasta is a spiritual journey of great discoveries. Initially you believe in Jah and search his ways. This awakes your spirit. Then you get to know Jah in real experience. This gives you overstanding. Like the Ouroboros the serpent that bites its own tail you find everything you knew so far meaningless and you pass the point where you started. Then you find a new strength and sense of meaning. Many ask me why i am a Rasta even though i dont believe in things the religous way. I dont believe in Jah, I know Jah. I have met the Emperor. The lion of Judah is my guide. I will never retreat or surrender. I can never fit in the lower spheres of consciousness. Only those whos souls have been touched by the almighty can know I cause they know themselves. Believing in Jah can’t take you far. The only way to know Jah is to become a better person all the time, to increase your personal properties. The only way to serve Jah is to constantly work for a better world. Jah no easy you know. If you want to know H.I.M stop praying and start building yourself, purify the temple of the holy spirit.
We humans are so infinitely small. You cant even see us from an airplane. And compared to the universe we are like dust. Yet we fell so big and important because our spirit is so big.
Death is an offence to the living soul. Eternally roaming the planetary systems to grow and collect powers like the bumblebee collects nectar. Life and death is just elevation mechanisms to lift the spirit to immortality. At a certain point of evolution we don’t die ever again. This is the childhood of our souls, the worlds is our playground. We live forever..
The builders of the pyramids in ancient civilisations were highly evolved humans. Their knowledge is secret. We the people of the world today have still to climb far to reach their heights and still we fly spaceships and deal with nanotechnology. How can anyone deny their genious..
The system is a test for humanity because we have to learn a lot. If we can break down the system and live peacefully with each other and our environment, we will be accepted amongst the higher races in the universe. Its all about the universal law and principles of Jah. Only voluntary actions are worth something there. The architects of the system work to keep us down. The pyramid with the eye pon top is the ultimate challenge. Only by caring, loving, sharing, cooperating and taking care of the nature we can destroy the wickedness, and rise in glory as a mighty race in freedom..
Hatred can not lead you to your dreams, neither can only love. Only spiritual perfection can take you there...
Motivation, organization and hard work is behind all great achievements..
Egoistic and inexperienced people often dislike anything that don’t suit their values or way of thinking. Great souls don’t like everything that’s going on, but accepts that as a part of learning in the lifeexperience..
Personal frustration without meaning is sign of misunderstanding life’s greatness. Persons who don’t live their dharma is always discontent. When you find your true path all of that stops..
You can’t get anything you’re not worthy to get. You can’t learn anything you not ready to learn. But you must always try to get there by means of perseverance, determination and faith in a higher purpose. That will speed up the process..
Ital livity is essential for all who want to climb the ranks of Jah kingdom..
The ways of H.I.M Haile Selassie I, diplomatic, loving, overstanding
To many feel insignificant now. To many youths are history less---
Jah set the universe with principles and laws that governs everything
In Pomeji there was wickedness. In the town there was a bathhouse where they indulged in sexual orgies with children. Two volcanoes blast and streams of lava came from two directions, crossing at the bathhouse and burned down the whole town. Shows you to not stay near the wicked and don’t let people run their folly business unattended.
Man and woman must live in unity
I think the law of God is written in our hearts. Everybody knows deep inside whats right or wrong. Those who choose to be evil will pay the ultimate price..
There is many more levels of consciousness than 7
The spiritual power inside a human being pass trough many levels the effect is higher and higher consciousness. You can feel those levels inside, it’s not a manmade concept its reality. Mental activity is the ego working in the world.
The levels are real. There are different stages of the natural process of illumination. Everyone who has passed the full spectra of enlightenment knows this.
If nothing is real like some people say there would be no meaning in anything! I think life has a purpose.
There are different dimensions working simultaneously. Each one is real in their own reality
Awakening is just the beginning on a long tuff journey
Its not about being awake or not! It´s not an on and off mode. It’s about metamorphosis, constant change into something new. If you have awaked the spirit that’s where you start building the new. It’s never finished. When you reach the next stage you see how childish the last one was, yet its absolutely essential to take that step in order to reach the next. And make no mistakes, this could elevate you higher and higher and higher until you can perform miracles and get magical powers unknown to the lower layers of consciousness.
I wouldn’t say more spiritual but further gone in the elevation of the soul. It´s available for everyone. Spiritual evolution is the meaning of life..
We all trying to describe the same thing but with different words. Everyone’s view of reality is unique and totally genius! One day even words will be unnecessary. Just a look at each other and we know..In time to come. Happy to share this moments of deep philosophy with you. Respect!