In 1982 I was 10 years old and I still remember the newspapers was writing about the release of the book “Holy blood, holy grail” by Michael Baigent, Richard Leich and Henry Lincoln. It was a headliner. Now 29 years later I wonder why this story never really reached the consciousness of the Christians. Maybe the cover-up by the church was to massive and people were to sleepy to let it sink in. A few years earlier another bestseller called “The 12th planet” by Zecharia Sitchin was published in New York. He is an expert on Babylonian history, language and the Bible. These ideas that was presented must have been fantastic discoveries, and revelations for many ones. Still today we hear about Christian dogmatic belief in the Bible and the ignorance of the true history of these things are massive. It amazes me how quiet it is about this. Michael Baigent has released more books on the subject, and Laurence Gardner. But the widespread realization of what the Holy Grail is are still absent. Time to reveal this Enigma once and for all..
In the ancient times different far-evolved human aliens from around the galaxy descended on earth and created many cultures and peoples. The Chinese, Indian, Mayan, Egyptian, Atlantis empires was all of alien origin. One of the most famous one was the Sumerian civilization in the Eufrat-Tigris valley wich is widely acclaimed to have founded the alphabet. Humans have inhabited earth for hundreds of millions of years. Archeologists have found proof of up to 400 million year old traces of humans. Unconventional when it comes to the official records but firmly proved by remarkable archeological evidence. The Sumerians came from the planet Nibiru. According Sitchin they started coming here 400.000 thousands years ago. They were called the Anunaki. The creationmyth in the Bible comes straight from them. In the land of Mesoptamia the Sumerians called the southern grasslands of the Euphrat delta “Eden”. Their creatorgod EA created the race Adamu wich means “servant”, and they also created a hybrid kind of human with more Niburian DNA to rule society as High priests and Royalties. The name for this bloodline in Sumerian is Graal. Graal means blood and show their direct kinship with the Sumerian gods. These bloodlines became the Kings of the ancient empires in the middleeast. Many other bloodlines are from similar origin and possibly also goes under the name Graal. The Dragon kings of China from Draco, The Egyptian Gods from Sirius in Orion stargroup for instance. Jesus was as prince of Judah a carrier of the holy blood, the Graal, the DNA of the gods. After the royal house of Judah was crushed by the Romans, Jesus and Mary Magdalene fled with their secrets and riches to France. Jesus survived the crucifiction with the help of his Yogic technices and the help from mighty friends, relatives and aristocrats. With them they brought the secret of the temple of Salomon and established their monarchy in France. This Graal-bloodline settled in Europe and later became a big people together with the expelled prophets of the tribe of?. Their religion the true Judaism/Christianity was practiced by the Cathars, Bogomlis and the Merovingians. When Rome lost its military power they turned to religion creating the false Christianity to gain control. Now they wanted to exterminate all of the true Christians and the family of Jesus. The descendants of Mary Magdalene and Jesus was called “Desposyni” and they were to be outrooted and forgotten in the Roman attempt to gain power again. The remnants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene is said to be buried near the famous Rennes De Chateau in southwest of France. Many members of the family was Christians to. Simeon, the second bishop of Jerusalem, Judah Kyriakos 1st century and three Nestorian bishops of Seleucia on the Tigris in the 3rd century. But they descended from Jesus brothers and sisters so a clash in the family is possible. The Catholics sent their army to France in what was called the Albigensian crusades. Finally the last Cathars surrendered in the mountain fortress of Montseignur and was burned by the stakes. From that time the neo-Judaic movement went underground as a mysteryreligion for the initiated. Even the Vatican is filled with their secret messages for the initiated. This was done in plain sight of the catholics who didn’t understand these things. Still today the Vatican struggles to keep all of this a well hidden secret. Cause what will happen when million lovers of Jesus finds out the truth that their church made a holocaust against Jesus family, people and religion. They will be very mad!! So the pope and his administration cant afford that the truth becomes official. Now the real warriors of Christ started secret orders and societys such as Priory De Sion, The knights templars to defend the bloodline( the holy grail). Jesus teachings was all about illumination and ascension by degrees like the mysteryschools of Egypt. This magical system is like a stairway to God and will give initiates godlike powers to heal and perform miracles. The Freemasons have the system of the temple of Salomon. This was the true teachings of the Christ. The Kabbalah wich plays a heavy part of Jewish mysticism came from Egypt but was taken away after a schism in their Royal house. Hence the story of Moses. Some point out Moses could be Achnaton the heretical Pharao that introduced sunworship and divided Egypt. These secrets went first to Israel in the exodus, and 586 bc when the Jewish people was conquered by Nebukadnessar the mysteries went with them to the captivity in Babylon. It was here the Jewish mystics created their Magnum opus. The bible!!. Later some of these secrets was conqured by many peoples, as the ancient world faded away and new peoples rose from the ashes of the old. Year 1099 the crusaders invaded and occupied Jerusalem. The first Christian king was Godfroi De Bouillion. He was a Desposyni in straight lineage of the monarchy of Judah stretching back to King David. Now they defeated the Arabs and stole back the biggest secret. Alchemy!. With this knowledge the Templars managed to take over all of Europe financially. And the rest is history as they say. That’s the truth about the Holy Grail. The knight Parciafal in the Chansons of medieval France and King Arthur is also desposynis, and their stories are cloaked in the allegories of this ancient movement. Later years famous members of Jesus family are the Bush clan, The English monarchy and even Barak Obama. Many of the Christian conspiracyresearchers have attacked the family for this reason. They fight this oligarchy to gain control themselves on the monopoly of the last remnants of human religious ignorance. Ultimately it’s the same old powerstruggle between the elites and most people are unaware. For me personally I think that they are the manipulative branches of the family tree and I don’t think the real Jesus would have liked their business. The worthiest representative of the bloodline of David is the noble Haile Selassie. Our times true Christ..
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