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tisdag 18 januari 2011

The mysteries of the Freemasons revealed

                                     The ”mysteries” of the Freemasons revealed
Freemasonry has no secrets. They have all been outed by members. Some brilliant examples is the books “ The secrets of the temple of Salomon” by Kevin. L. Gest and Ancient mystic rites by C. W . Leadbeater. Captain William Morgan of Batavia wrote “Illustrations of Freemasonry” That depicts all their rituals. I will use some of their revelations in this article amongst others.
Freemasonry today is a dying institution containing mainly of old men in a pet club. The days of glory has since long time been passed, and the movement are constantly decreasing in membership. What is kept secret in the lodges is today common knowledge at any university. The secret is that there is no secrets. Americas most revered Mason Albert Pike said in his book “Morals and dogma

"Nothing excites men's curiosity so much as Mystery, concealing things which they desire to know; and nothing so much increases curiosity as obstacles that interpose to prevent them from indulging in the gratification of their desires. Of this the Legislators and Hierophants took advantage, to attract the people to their sanctuaries, and to induce them to seek to obtain lessons from which they would perhaps have turned away with indifference if they had been pressed upon them." (Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 384).

Once upon a time Freemasonry was absolutely necessary because of the situation with the churches power and fierce suppression of knowledge. Freemasonry stems out of the Mystery schools of the ancient world. The Egyptian , the Babylonian, The Elusiean (Greek) and Jewish mysteries are a central source.
The Freemason lodge is a miniature of our galaxy. The grand master symbolize the sun. The temple of Salomon simply means the temple of the “Sun and the moon”. The lodge portraits the galaxy. The members moves like the procession of the heavens in their rituals. In a time when people was being executed for having a heliocentric view by the dogmatic and wicked Christians that pushed their geocentric doctrine on us with violence, it was of great importance that this knowledge was preserved for future generations of free humans. That we all have to thank the esoterical resistance for. Otherwise the Christians would have ruined our souls with their crapteachings. True Christianity is a totally different thing. The true teachings of Jesus is not followed by the church as an institution. Jesus was in fact a esoteric spiritual master and royalty.  In Rome the esoterics formed Magistri Commacini as an outer front in order to survive the vicious percecution of true knowledge in those times. The Christian church murdered and tortured all members and grand masters of the ancient mystery schools in an attempt to eradicate all their wisdom . The last mystery school to be shut down was Platos Academus that was closed down year 529 AD by the Byzantine emperor Justinian 1.
The secrets of Freemasonry was the so called “Liberal arts” Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Arithmetic, Geometry, Music and Astronomy. Subjects you can study in any school today.
Today there is an whole industry trying to make money out of mystifying the Freemasons. The fiercest opponents to the fraternity is still Christian fanatics that claim that they are Satanists that sacrifices children, and unfortunately many uneducated regular people buy in to it. The people that is attracted and become members of Freemasonry today is seekers without knowledge or spiritual powers. Many also become members to boost their careers and tie connections with high ranking members of society, and to give them economical privileges trough business opportunities, while others again likes the historic and chivalrous properties of the fraternity.

The late Lurence Gardner had this ro say during an interview:

AM: So, are you a Freemason?
LG: Not any more. For many years I was affiliated with the City of London financial sector, and it was part of the scene to belong to a City lodge. It was just the same as being expected to fraternise in this or that wine bar. Business and trades people do much the same at a provincial level, belonging to the local Rotary Club, Round Table or whatever. They all provide venues for those with common interests, but these associations do not run the world-even if some of their individual members have a hand in that regard. If a Scout leader happens to run someone down in his car, it doesn't mean that the Scouts are training terrorists! It simply doesn't work that way.
Anyway, after some twenty years in Freemasonry, I resigned in 1984-mainly because I got thoroughly bored with it all. I had expected to learn such a lot, but actually learned nothing of much consequence except how to perform ceremonial ritual. I suppose if one wants somewhere to be every Monday night and a group of people to be with, then it provides a suitably fraternal environment. But, in the end, I found better things to do.
All I really discovered in terms of "secrets" was that their biggest secret is that they've forgotten what their secrets are! Even the ritual maintains that the true secrets of the Craft were lost long ago. What I never experienced was anything covert in the way that one imagines a secret society. So, either it wasn't there, or it was very cleverly concealed from me for twenty years.
In fact many members of the Freemasons have been involved in conspiracies. Partly because the ideals of masonry call for social change and equality in an unjust and unfair society, and partly that members have been working for the Illuminati who is actively taking over and ruling the world by revolutions and political manipulation. But the virtues of original Masonry is positive. There you go! No more speculations needed.


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